Glancing over at the clock, it read 3:20am. I had no idea to why I dreamt such an erotic dream. Especially about Christian? What had that dream meant? Has my attraction towards him become too much? So much so that I'll begin to have lustful dreams about him frequently?

        I groan, covering my face with my hands. In all my life, I've never had a dream so erotic about a man. It was wrong, very wrong.

        I shouldn't be having such dreams over a man who see's me as a clumsy little girl. Christian is too good for me, it's for his own good.

He's mature, and bold, daring. He would never find any interest in a 21 year old. I'm too young to take on a man like him. I know he could give me the most powerful pleasure that I will ever experience, he has a dominating aura that surrounds him. He's a lion whilst I am a weak lamb.

        How will I ever face him today?



        "Ember... Ember... Ember!"

        "Yes!" I yell, standing up quickly, throwing over my cactus plant. "Oh shoot," I mutter as I fix it, placing it back firmly on the small pot that sits next to my laptop.

        "Are you alright?" Christian asks, frowning. I felt my face flush, my eyes looking anywhere but him. Since this morning, I woke up and saw Christian walking to his room, all sweaty from his morning workout, and for him to take his shirt off was torture.  My dream has come crashing down. I nearly died inside.

        "Yes, um uh- I was just daydreaming." I bite my bottom lip.

        He raised his eyebrow. "About what exactly?" He questions, a smirk on his lip as he leans against his black leather chair.

        For you to take me over your desk and to slam your long, glorious c- "Cat's," I say, closing the door on my perverted thoughts before they could escape. "I was daydreaming about having a cat. Yep." I nod, licking my bottom lip nervously.

        He chuckles, shaking his head. "Can you deliver these to the finance department?" He holds out a thin grey folder with the companies logo stamped to the front. I nod, walking over and taking the folder from his hands. "Can you also bring me a coffee?" He ask, smiling softly.

        I grin. "Of course, Mr. Grey."

        Once I'm out of his tight,  I slap my cheeks softly with my hands, trying to get the insane thoughts out of my head. How could I have possibly thought that? My Mother had taught me to never think of a man in such a dirty way! Yet, Christian was able to destroy those rules with a simple smirk.

        Groaning, I walk into the elevator and head down to the 24th floor. Leaning against the wall, I sigh, closing my eyes.

        Christian's intense grey eyes flash in my brain. What would they look like if he felt lust for me? Would they turn darker with desire? Would he feel the same heat I felt in my dream when he sees me bare in front of him, waiting for him to take me in different ways?

        His large hands would roam my body, learning it's ways and flaws. His simple touch would light me up like fireworks on the fourth of July. He would tease repeatedly, having me begging for him; to feel his touch everywhere, especially on my sex. The teasing would be torture, but it would be worth it. All the yearning for his touch would be worth the tormenting and teasing. Because once he does touch me, it will be blissful, erasing everything and only making me focus on him and his touch.  

        The ding of the elevator doors slap me out of my thoughts. With red cheeks, I quickly walk in and head toward the back of the room. I felt the stares of all the male workers on me, clearly checking me out. I was wearing a red waist high skirt that brushed against my knees, a black blouse with a white cardigan, pale, knee high socks and black T strap heels. Walking quickly, I handed the folder to the manager of the department and made my way back to the elevator. 

        I send a small smile to Sarah before walking into the break room. I make Christian coffee in 2 minutes, a rick dark color with no added sugar. He likes nothing sweet from what I've noticed. Holding the cup with both hands, I make my way into his office.

        "Fuck this!" He curses, slamming the mouse of his Mac computer to the side, sending glares. I felt a shiver run down my spin, my clit tingling from his words. Taking a deep breath, I close the door with the end of foot. His eyes glance up, softly a bit once he sees me. "I apologize for my language, Ember." He says, frowning.

        I smile, placing the cup at the edge of the table. "What's the matter?" I ask, walking around the table and standing behind his chair, looking at the computer. Large red letters spell "ERROR", flashing brightly on the screen.

        "I'm trying to fix the program that I need to present next week to some investors. But I'm blocked from doing anything." He explains, running his hands through his hair. I nod, looking at the screen thoughtfully. Mother had the same problems when the program for her spring collection last year, the codes that the previous creator had been misplaced. Looking at his program, he seems to be having the same trouble.

        "I see, I think I might be able to help." I inform. "If you don't mind, I will put in some codes that I learned from a friend of mine back in Paris. If the bug that you are having is the same, then the errors will be fixed." Christian looks at me wide eyed, before rolling his chair away.

        Biting my lip, I bend over and quickly begin to the type in the code.

        I barely pushed the enter button, letting the code insert into the computer, when I felt a warm presence cover my body.        

        Glancing to my side, I saw Christian looking at me with the same intense eyes I saw on him in my dreams. 

        "Oh, fuck it," He breaths out as he grabbed the side of my face with his hands and smashed our lips together.

        Loosing my balance, I land on his thighs. He quickly grabs my legs, and lets me straddle him. I moan into the kiss, gripping the ends of his hair with my fingers, pulling it. He groans, his large hands pulling me close to his body. Our clothes being the only barrier between us.

        "You taste so good," he breaths out, his right hand holding my head while the other cups my ass firmly, giving it a squeeze. I whimper, thrusting my hips forward. He groans, his breathing becoming raspier. I gasped, feeling the growing bulge in his pants. He takes this to his advantage and slides his tongue inside my mouth. He tastes divine, his breath minty and fresh, I could kiss him all day if it were possible. I push my self toward him, pressing my breast against his chest, my nipples perked up. 

        With a low groan, he breaks the kiss apart.

        I pant, looking at him. His lips were smeared with my lipstick, his suit wrinkled and hair a mess. I probably looked the same.

        He cups my cheek, running his thumb along the skin. I sigh, leaning into his touch.

        "Tonight." He whispers, looking into my eyes with a mischievous promise. "Tonight you will sign the contract and I will make you mine."



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