mrs bonham carter. [pt 3] (nsfw)

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oh my GOD i was writing this and i didn't think i'd actually finish it because... who am i kidding i never finish anything these days. but IVE ACTUALLY FINISHED IT christ good luck guys hope this isn't too horrendous considering i barely ever write anymore as you can tell 🙏 hope you enjoy 😋😋


[helena's pov]

i woke up, still tired as i barely slept through the night. it was 6:30am and i had to leave in 45 minutes. this was enough time for me to be ready in time as i barely did anything on a morning. i crawled out of bed, grabbing my towel and walking into my
en-suite. i turned on the shower and undressed myself from the clothes that i was still wearing; only my underwear and an oversized t-shirt as i had taken my shorts off last night. i climbed in the shower, letting the cold water drip off my head and down my body. i thought this would refresh my mind from thinking about the girl but i was so wrong, she was still all i could think about.

[y/n pov]

7:00am the clock read as my alarm beeped and beeped. i slammed my hand on the snooze button, stopping it for now and procrastinating getting out of bed. i laid my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes again, dozing off straight away. that was until my stupid alarm set off again, the time now being 7:10. i had to leave at 8 so i had plenty of time to get ready, but still got up now as i didn't want to risk being late whatsoever. today i only had 4 classes which were double science, maths and french. my first class started at 9am and i had science until 11, then maths for an hour and then my 45 minute lunch break. lastly, i had french for one hour and i could then leave school at 1:45. it wasn't such a long day but, i do have shorter ones. the only bad thing was that i didn't have her today, however my plan was to go and 'visit' her on my lunch break. everyone had the same lunch break here so she wouldn't have another class or anything.

i took a quick shower and threw some clothes on, nothing too special. no one really took any notice of me much in school anyway other than my 2 friends, but they still didn't really care what i wore. i just put some sweatpants and a small cropped vest on, along with my trainers and a hoodie in my bag for if i got cold. the vest was tight around my breasts and i knew it would catch mrs bonham carters attention straight away - exactly what i wanted.

i walked out of my house after having some breakfast and brushing my teeth. it took me around half an hour to walk to school and we had to go to registration first until classes started. i sat through my lessons, constantly thinking of her. i couldn't help but think she might regret her decision of what we did yesterday, but i really hoped she would still want to go further with whatever was going on between us. as soon as lunch started, i went to sit with my friends. after a few minutes, i let them know i was going to the toilet, however i was really going to her classroom. of course, i couldn't tell them what was happening between me and her as this could still get us into trouble because of course, she was a teacher and i was a student. i knocked on her door and i heard a slight 'come in' from her. i got butterflies hearing her voice again and slowly opened the door. she looked slightly shocked but also happy to see me.

"hi sweetheart," she said as i walked into her room. i blushed and closed the door, also closing the blinds on the window pane in the door. i walked over to her and she looked up at me. she was marking her work from the class she just had.

"is everything okay?" she asked, looking concerned. little did she know, i came in to repay the favour to her.

"yes, miss. i just wanted to come and say hi." she smiled at this and patted her desk as if for me to come and sit down. i walked over and sat on the edge of her desk smiling down at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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