privacy. [pt 2]

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i woke up to the sun shining through the gaps in my curtains into my eyes, grabbing my phone and reading the time. 9:46am. i had 1 hour and 14 minutes until i was going to meet the most beautiful woman in the world and i was still in bed. i quickly crawled out of the covers, grabbing a towel and turning the shower on. i washed my body and my hair, making sure i looked as good as i could to meet her.

i wore a cute little vest and some jeans, along with my coat. i couldn't exactly dress up fancy to a little coffee shop, so that's all i could think to wear without going too far. i put a little bit of makeup on and got my breakfast quickly before leaving. i went onto my phone, checking that i was going to the right place. it was only around the block from my apartment so it didn't take long for me to arrive. walking through the front door, i scanned the small café for the older woman. i quickly spotted her towards the back and she looked absolutely beautiful.

she was wearing one of her odd little outfits and of course had her messy hair tied up on top of her head. i walked over to the table and as she spotted me, she stood up, pulling me into a little hug.

"hello love! how are you?" she said, pulling away from the hug and sitting back in her seat.

"i'm good thank you! how are you?" i responded.

"i'm okay." she said in the least convincing way possible. i sat down and smiled at her, purely just admiring how beautiful she was. we ordered a coffee each and started to talk about our lives and work.

after an hour of chatting and drinking our coffees, i had learnt a lot more about the woman sitting in front of me that what i already knew, which made me even more intrigued to know more. she was very interesting and she loved so many different things that just mesmerised me.

"i know we've only just met but, would you possibly want to come to mine for a little? i have a free day and i've really enjoyed your company so far." she smiled, worried i would say no.

"of course i would!" i exclaimed, and with that we grabbed our things and left the coffee shop. the cameras were flashing as soon as we stepped foot onto the concrete, making us both anxious. we started to walk towards the older woman's house, which was only around the block, and soon enough we were there. she invited me in, taking my jacket and hanging it up. her house was so lovely and you could definitely tell it was hers from the decor. it was all over the place really, cute but, all over the place.

"your house is so lovely!" i exclaimed, placing my phone on the countertop in the kitchen. the house was truly huge, it made me feel very overwhelmed if i was being honest. the older woman was a lot more successful than me and i really hoped i could be as amazing as her as i got bigger in the acting industry. she really was an icon and i really wished i could be like her one day.

"thank you so much, love!" she said back, smiling at me and turning the kettle on. she raised her eyebrow at me instead of asking me if i wanted some and i nodded in response, giggling as i thought it was quite funny. once the kettle had boiled, she poured us both a drink and came to sit down next to me on her sofa. we chatted for around an hour and finally decided on watching a movie, resulting in her going to get us some popcorn and blankets.

"which film should we watch?" she asked, scrolling through the many on the tv that were there.

"fight club."

"not one with me in it!" this made me laugh as i knew that she was going to say exactly that when i suggested the movie.

"pleeeeeeease? it's a good film!" i asked once again. i really wanted to watch fight club as, not only is it a good film, i wanted to see her react to herself while she was acting. i also just wanted to see her, but we can pretend that i did just because it's a good film.

"fine," she huffed and giggled, putting the movie on. after around 20 minutes of us sat there and me watching her facial expressions, she gave me a look as if she wanted me to come closer to her. i only shuffled up next to her so we were only a small bit closer, but still touching. she leant on my shoulder as i sat up next to her. this continued throughout the movie, us pretty much cuddling into each other by the end.

"see i told you it was a good movie," i said, giggling as she buried her face into my neck in embarrassment.

"yeah but it would be better without me in it," she responded, still trying to hide herself in my neck.

"you're the best part what do you mean!" i exclaimed as she removed herself from me and sat up. she laughed again and just completely stared into space for a second, clearly zoning out.

"what're you thinking about?" i asked, concerned as to why she had zoned out whilst we were talking. she looked up at me, smiling again.

"just how much i really want to kiss you right now." my heart stopped. never in a million years would i have expected the older woman to say such a thing to me, plus it was just completely not what i expected whatsoever. i tried to calm down, obviously not psychically showing that i was having the biggest fucking gay panic of my life right now.

"don't think about it, just do it," i responded, in hope that my words would convince her to actually carry out what she wanted to do most. i had only met the woman yesterday and she had just told me she wanted to kiss me. as i said that, her hand trailed to my neck and towards my jawline, holding my face in her hand. she pulled me in closer and i smashed my lips onto hers, too impatient to be teased with a kiss. she moaned at the sudden contact and i smirked against her. the kiss went on for quite a while as i climbed onto her lap and straddled her. i pulled away from the kiss to get my breath back and she looked at me, smirking after what had just happened. oh how i couldn't wait for what would happen next...

an: i'm sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger and i'm sorry for not updating too😣 i'll update when i can/ have the motivation to write again :) 

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