mrs bonham carter. (nsfw)

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an: this is set in college and we are 18 :) this story is completely ib _the_odd_ones_out_  & hbc_s1mp enjoy <3

"y/n, could you come to see me after class, please?" mrs bonham carter was my english teacher and she had been for a year and a half now. i had only recently started to realise that i had a crush on her as before i just viewed her as a friend really. she was like a mother figure to me and i loved it and i always craved her attention whenever i could get it.

i nodded in response to her request and she smiled back at me. her smile was so cute, something that i'd always smile back at once she did it.

20 minutes later it was the end of school, and the end of mrs bonham carters english class. the other students stood up and i stayed sat down, doing what she had asked me to. the entirety of the class was dismissed and she walked over towards me, pulling her chair over so it was in front of mine.

"thank you for staying back. i just wanted to speak to you about how much you've been improving at the moment." my face lit up as she said that. "i'm so proud of your improvement in my class y/n," she said, smiling once again. although i already knew my grades had been rising recently, it made me happier when she told me.

"thank you mrs." i said, smiling back at the woman as she stood back up from her seat.

"that's all i wanted to say but i appreciate you staying back to talk to me. have a nice night, y/n."

"thank you again mrs, you too." i gradually stood up and grabbed my bag, pushing my chair in and walking towards the door.

"oh, one more thing y/n," she quickly said before i opened the door, "you look very pretty today." i stopped in my tracks with my hand on the door handle, too scared to turn round as i was obviously bright red from the comment that had just been made.

"i- uhm- th- thank you, mrs." i could barely even form a sentence. i quickly opened the door, leaving the classroom not daring to look back once. what just happened?

i walked out of school, smiling to myself. i couldn't think straight whatsoever the entire night, my brain replaying that same moment every single second. i couldn't believe that she had even thought such a thing, never mind tell me. the words were playing on my brain all night until i finally managed to go to sleep.


i woke up, the sun shining through the small cracks between each of my blinds. my alarm was going off in my ear and the time read 7:30am. i had to leave at 8:10, meaning i had around 40 minutes to get ready. i got up and quickly took a shower before eating some breakfast and getting changed.

i arrived at college just before it started, walking through the doors and up to my first lesson. today i had maths, science and then 2 hours of english with her. i couldn't tell whether i was excited or scared for what would come next between both of us. i would be too scared to say anything to her like she did to me yesterday, so it would only be her to make another move.

the other two classes that i had that day went pretty quickly and after i had eaten my lunch, it was time for 2 hours with mrs bonham carter. i walked up the stairs towards her english classroom and walked in through the door with all the other students. luckily, she was handing out the sheets for the lesson and didn't see me walk in.

the class got settled down in their seats and throughout the entirety of the lesson, glances and flirty looks were given to me by the teacher. they were when the class was working and i would look up to check the time or something like that, and she would use this opportunity to smirk at me or do some sort of flirty look towards me. every single time the older woman would even look at me, butterflies erupted in my stomach, however when she did this.. well let's just say i had butterflies, just in a different place.

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