im sorry

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"why are you like this?" she shouted as she turned her back to you.
"i- i don't know. hellie i really don't know. i'm sorry," you responded, with tears in your eyes.
"i give up. i don't know what to do anymore love."
"hellie you don't understand. there is nothing you can do to help. that's the whole point. no one can do anything whatsoever," you replied as you started crying, realising she was pretty much done with you and your continuous behaviour towards her. when you were sad, you made her upset. you hated yourself for it and you just wanted everything to be okay, but everything good that you had you destroyed it. everything was okay until you became like this, and now nothing in the world at times could make you feel better, not even her. she really tried her hardest but it barely worked.
"i don't know what to do anymore though. i try to help but it's clearly not working."
you sat there not speaking a word and as she climbed into bed she said ,"forget it. just go to sleep."
"well shit." you mumbled to yourself, trying to keep yourself together.
"yeah, shit."
you lifted up the covers and crawled into the bed next to her. she had her eyes closed but was facing towards you. you shuffled so you were next to her and she opened her eyes and stared at you.
"not tonight." she muttered.
"i don't want to cuddle you tonight. just go to bed."
oh how much that killed you inside. you lay there, craving her touch. craving her arms around you, cuddling until you fell asleep.
"hels-," you whispered to her, trying to apologise so you could just lay there in her arms, worrying about a lot less than you already had to worry about.
"no. just go to sleep for fucks sake, i'm tired."
you flipped over towards the window, and you looked through the centre of the curtain where you could partly see the night sky.
you couldn't do it. you couldn't keep yourself together anymore. it was too much. your problems were so much for your small head to even think about and you just burst into tears, trying to stay quiet so you didn't annoy her or wake her.
"no no no darling oh god. i'm so sorry. come here. i'm so so sorry," she quickly blurted out, as she moved herself over to you and closed her arms around you, holding you tight and kissing your forehead.
"i just want everything to be okay," you said, sobbing in her little arms.
"i know, i know. i'm trying, baby."
"i'm sorry i upset you. i hate hurting you and it was never intended. i hate arguing with you or when you're upset with me. it hurts to know i was the one that caused it."
"it's okay, it's okay. calm down, everything's going to be okay. everything will get better. just stay here with me, and we'll get through this together," she whispered into your ear whilst stroking your hair, making you feel better.
"i love you," you mumbled, dozing off to sleep.
"i love you too darling."

an: sorry this is short and kinda a vent, i wanted to post something today so i made two stories one of which was this one which is pretty sad so erm.. apologies. hope everyone is well and please give suggestions of what you want me to write next!! (i'm writing smut next story hopefully;))

helena bonham carter one shots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя