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an: can we please pretend that christmas hasn't happened yet.. i started writing this ages ago and forgot to post it— hope you enjoy anyway <3

i opened my eyes, waking up in her arms. she was holding me tightly, breathing hot air against my neck. the warmth of her body was warming me up in the coldness as it was now mid december. christmas was inching closer and you were excited to spend your first christmas with your lover.

"hello you," she whispered into my ear, readjusting herself so she was looking into my eyes.

"good morning missis," i responded, leaning in and giving her little puppy kisses. her hand trailed to the side of your face, running her thumb over your cheek. she leant in for another kiss, this one more loving and passionate.

"what are we doing today?" i asked, pulling away from the kiss smiling.

"we can watch movies and make cookies if you'd like, my love?" she responded, placing little kisses on my lips and smiling back at me. i nodded and she pulled me back into her arms, her lips on my head and my nose in between her cleavage. i nuzzled my head further into my breasts, making my face warmer and more comfortable.

"that would be perfect," i said, looking up at her and smiling. she placed a kiss on my lips again and looked into my eyes, smiling like a little child. she always got a little nervous when we made direct eye contact, as did i. maybe mine was a little worse, as i pretty much just panicked every time we looked at each other. really, it was hard not to. i was in a relationship with the most beautiful woman on earth. she placed one last kiss on my nose before climbing out of the covers, trying to pull me out with her but not succeeding.

"come on sleepy head!" she giggled. after her persuading me, i finally decided to get up, climbing out of the covers and leaning into her arms. we went downstairs and switched the tv on, turning the volume up and putting on our playlist. we went into the kitchen and got the baking supplies out to use, constantly bumping into each other and placing little kisses on each other's heads.

we started to mix together some of the ingredients for the cookies, following the recipe. helena grabbed an egg from the box and cracked it, however the majority of the shell went into the mix. we started to laugh and we couldn't stop for a while, it was one of those times where you laugh at something that wasn't even that funny but it is so funny in the moment. once we'd pulled ourself back together, i grabbed the flour, tipping it into the sift. i tilted it too far and the entire thing came falling out, it looked like an explosion. it was everywhere, and just as we had pulled ourselves back together we started to have a laughing fit again.

"oh for fucks sake," helena said, crying of laughter as she did. i went over to the sink, washing all of the flour off my hands, as i felt something down my back. i turned around to the older woman laughing her head off, pointing at me but not saying anything. i started to laugh, confused until i shook my jumper and tons of flour fell out of the back.

"you little bitch..." i ran towards the countertop, giggling as i did. i grabbed a pile of flour and threw it over the woman's head, making us both start laughing fits. she ran towards me and i backed up towards the wall; i was pushed against it, her body flush against mine and my lips on hers. the moment went from us both laughing, to me being pinned against the wall.

she pulled away from my lips, still giggling from what just happened. there was now mess all over the kitchen, which we just decided to get back to later. she kissed me on the head and turned back around, finishing the mixture. she let me spoon it onto the baking tray and put it into the oven, us both watching as they baked in there. she placed her arm around me, kissing the top of my head and stroking my hair.

"i love you silly girl," she whispered into my ear, still softly stroking my hair with her delicate little hands.
i giggled once again in her arms, holding on to her small frame tightly.

10 minutes passed and the cookies were ready, although really we made them more for the experience. as we let them cool down, we cleaned the mess that we had made. once they were done we tried them and, not going to lie, they were pretty shit. but as i said already, it was more for the experience of making them, not how they tasted.

she got onto the sofa, grabbing the remote and passing me it as i laid on her. i snuggled into her, asking what she wanted to watch. she said it was up to me, so i put on my favourite film. of course it had her in it because, you can't have a favourite film without helena bonham carter being in it obviously.
we lay there watching the film, cuddling as it got darker and darker; this was the most perfect day that anyone could ever have.

an: this was literally shit i'm sorry lmfao i wrote it ages ago but i thought i might as well post it.

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