2) Relationships

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Dominique Thomas|25|

I woke up real early so I can help my grandma at her food panty. I walked in giving her a hug washing my hands putting on gloves.

"What you need help with Nana" I asked coming out the kitchen

"Umm, start putting that lunch meat in bags then change your gloves and put donuts in bags" she said and I started when the door opened

"Hey, baby. You remember nique nique" Nana said calling me my child hood name as Lilly came down stairs.

"Yeah, I seen her yesterday. The upstairs is clean so Bible study should be able to start on time today." She said and Nana nodded

"Ok, wash your hands and start helping Nique. I gotta start my prayers before people start coming" she said going upstairs in her office.

"So, what you been up to. I didn't get a chance to talk to you yesterday" Lilly said drying her hands putting on gloves.

"Well, other than traveling for work I've been cooling" I said and she nodded

"Why you didn't ever text me after that summer? You had me in my feelings for a couple weeks" she said and I licked my lips

"I thought you didn't want to see me. You said it was my fault your mom kicked you out. I was leaving the next day so I went home and started my internship. That's what got me the job I have now. I met who I thought was the one but me traveling so much got to her and I came home to her stuff gone and a note from 2 weeks before I got back" I said and she sighed

"I did want to talk to you, your the first girl I ever liked and we where friends before the whole situation so we should've kept in contact" she said and I smiled

"Really? Cause I was in love with you since before I knew what love was. I would follow you and Taj everywhere doing stuff I didn't even like to do." I said and she frowned

"Like what" she asked and I laughed

"Making double Dutch songs for one, two doing my make up, oh and being the dog when we played family" I said and she start laughing

"Oh my god, I remember. Damian was the dad, Taj was the mom,I was the daughter and you where always the pet" she said laughing

"I was whipped getting no type of action. It hurt me to stop talking too. I was really in love. If you where to meet all my exs they act similar to you but non of them could handle me being gone for so long" I said andnshe shook her head.

"You had to know theirs only one me babe" she said and I laughed

"Of course, of course. Speaking of what I've been doing what you been up to, what moves you making" I asked and she sighed

"I have somewhat of a social media presents. I modle for some brands and I'm a brand ambasiters for India cosmetics and Fenti." she said and I nodded. I already knew this I just wanted to talk to her.

"Thats what's up. You think about modeling full time" I asked and she shook her head.

"Not my dream, I want to get to q place where I can travel and set up youth programs around the world. But right now im working at the schools as councilor. This year was my first year" she said and I nodded

"How the kids treat you" I asked and she shrugged

"You know how we where in middle school, I get the few kids that hang in my office. I ware a ton of cartigens to cover everything. Cause these kids don't care how old you are" she said and I laughed

"If I had a school counselor that looked like you I'd be in the office everyday too. Need schedule sessions" I said and she shook her head.

We finished packing everything and it was another hour till we open so we washed our hands sitting on the far back table in the corner where we would always sit as kids with her head on my shoulder.

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