16) change

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My recovery process has been smooth but emotionally draining. I had to watch the look on my parents face when I told them and it was so hard. It may not have been planned but it was wanted. I'm getting ready to go to work when I catch Ezra looking at me in the mirror.

"What" I asked shyly

"Your beautiful, that's what" he said hugging me from behind and I kissed him. We've been working on our relationship a lot. Going on dates and enjoying the small things.

"Thank you but I have judge Barns on my case today so I need more than a 'your beautiful' maybe 'a boss' or ahhh 'your ganna prove this racist asshole you deserve to be here' come on" I said and he smiled

"You got this, your a boss, nobody can dim your light cause you shine the brightest and your ganna prove this racist asshole you deserve to be here" he said and I smiled pecking his lips.

"Thank you again. I'm off to save the children. Thank you for everything and I mean everything. Specially for whiping my tears at night these paste couple months" I said and he hugged me

"Anything for my baby" he said hugging me

I went to work doing this case and it went surprisingly well. When I got back to the office a welcome back card was on my desk and a flyer was on my desk with a note.

-you don't have to come and share just sit and listen to how other woman like you are feeling and how they make everyday brighter


I put it in my purse going on with my day. Doing some paper work, checking in on clients.

It got around the time to go home so I started collecting my stuff. I clocked out at 4:30, got in my car and just sat for a minute. I thought that I can't go on feeling like this so I decided to go to the meeting just to see what it was about.

I made it to the YMCA at 5 and I was hesitant to go in. About 5 minutes in I got out my car and went inside.

"Hi, how may I help you" A young lady at the desk asked

"Im looking for the ummm... Mothers of Angeles group" I said looking down

"The gym is that way. Just go straight. The bathrooms is right on the left if needed" she said and I nodded

It was like this hallway went on forever. I reached to where the bathroom was and I felt tears so I went in. I went in a stall grabbing tissues dabbing my face.

"Why you crying you look like a million bucks" a lady said and I smiled

"This is harder than what I thought it would be. I thought I could come in listen and feel better. I'm here for the Angel baby meeting" I said and she nodded

"Thats why they stick me in here the first 15 minutes. I am too, and let me tell you it gets harder. You go on and have more kids and you think, 'Is this like that time when...' but your holding back the whole hearted love you had for the first one cause you don't want to get your hopes up" she said and I nodded

"Its hard moving on though" I said and she nodded

"It is, I had 2 miscarriage then turned around had 2 sets of twins and one of em got shot and killed messing with a life he knew nothing about. But I love him with my whole heart." She said and I nodded.

"Im Taj" I said shaking her hand

"Rhonda, but everyone calls me Roh" she said and we walked in the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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