He is definitely the chaotic one.

When we arrived at the parking lot, he led me to his black BMW where I was seated in the front and Elijah in the back of the car seat.

The whole ride was silent, but Nicholas had been grinning the whole time while the kid was watching a show on his iPad. Doesn't his cheeks hurt from smiling? It has been twenty minutes yet his expression didn't ever change!

"We're here," he said slowly pulling up in front of a mansion. The gates were black and has the letter 'D' on top. There were also guards who opened the gate as he entered the driveway.

I could see guards standing and walking up front.

Nice, they have tight security, huh?

Nicholas stopped in front of the entrance of the house as he exited the car while I did the same. I looked at the front for a few seconds while he was busy taking the kid from the car seat.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I'm always ready for anything... but this, I'm not so sure.

I didn't respond so he didn't ask again, rather just started to walk towards the big door.

The kid was the first one to enter happily then Nicholas then me on his behind. At the entrance was a big family picture. They looked so happy together making me mentally scoff.

Why am I here again?

"Dad! Auntie Nat! Auntie Natie!" The kid yelled happily as he ran straight to his father with Ezekiel behind him.

Cole carried him immediately looking confused, "What do you mean?" He asked.

Nicholas fake coughed to get Cole and Ezekiel's attention, "Cole, Zeke, I brought someone." Nicholas said, pulling me beside him.

The fuck? No need to be aggressive.

Shock was written all over their faces as I remained emotionless looking at them.

"I convinced her to go through a DNA test," Nicholas stated.

"Zeke, call everyone to the living room." Cole sternly said looking straight into my eyes putting Elijah down as I look into his with a bored expression.

I just noticed how we have the same eyes and how he is a younger copy version of his father. I've only seen him in photos or in a distance but never this close.

"Let's go to the living room," he said turning around as Nicholas and I followed.

When I arrived there, everyone in their family is complete and is now looking at me. Especially Avyanna who looks like she's about to cry.

"Oh my god," I averted my gaze towards the older woman who covered her mouth and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Geez, the results haven't come out yet and everyone here seems to be emotional. What if it becomes negative? Everything would be embarrassing and hilarious as hell.

They're all staring at me making me uncomfortable!

Lucian cleared his throat getting everyone's attention as he slowly walked toward me. My instincts automatically kicked in making me take a step back.

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