Chapter Four

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The boys had come over to my place for a movie night and sleepover. We were getting popcorn ready and blankets from the upstairs hallway.
"So I only have three beds so someone's gonna have to share." I say with a giggle. The boys started to bicker as we sat down.
"Odds and evens go!" Noah screams.
The boys put their hands behind their head and pick a number. They then throw their hands in front of them and yell.
"Cyrus and I will get our own beds! Matt is sharing with you!" Noah says to Matt and I.  I choke with laughter.
"Hmm okay." Matt says sitting down to watch the movie. Halfway through the movie we all started to get tired. The boys got their bags and went into the bathroom. I locked my door and changed into a tank top and some sweats. I unlocked my door and sat on my bed waiting for the boys to come back. Noah was the first one to come in and we started to talk.
"I think Matt's a little too excited to share a bed with you." Noah blurts out and turns on his phone. I look up at him confused.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask him as a smile pops up on his face. He shrugs and lays down on a blow up mattress right across from my bed. Cyrus and Matt came in and got to their designated spots. I had half my bed and Matt had the other half. Cy and Noah fell asleep quickly and soon it was just Matt and I talking. We were talking about everything, our school lives when we aren't together, home lives, relationships. Everything that came to mind we talked about it.
"Amanda is fucking psycho. She just won't leave us alone will she." I exclaim quietly to Matt. He chuckles and turns to his side to face me.
"She needs to leave you alone," He says with a small smile, "You didn't do anything it was all her and I." He cuts his sentence off quickly. I turn my body over to look at him.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask looking him straight in the eyes. He blinks slowly and looks down at my lips then back at my eyes. He puts his hand on my cheek softly.
"What I meant is this." He leans in slowly and places his lips onto mine. My eyes open wide and I freeze. What the fuck was happening. Suddenly I can feel myself closing my eyes and I kiss him back. I scoot closer to him in the bed to where our bodies were touching. Every inch of us was connected and it felt so good. His mom always told me I was supposed to meet the boys for a reason and that I was destined for one of them. I always thought I was destined to be Noahs best friend, I never thought it could be Matt. We continued to kiss until he smiled and pulls away.
"You're so beautiful." He says pecking my lips.
I sit up suddenly waking up from my dream.
"What the fuck." I say shaking my head trying to get that out of my mind. Me making out with Matt? No way! He's a brother to me, I could never like him like that. I laugh softly at what just happened in my dream. I look over to my left to see the sun shine softly through my black curtains and I get out of my bed. I open the curtains and see the city covered in snow. We lived just outside of downtown Waterville, Maine. That means we got a decent amount of snow every winter. I loved it here in this town. Everyone I knew and loved was here and the city was beautiful. I smile looking outside my window and turn back to my bed. I pick up my phone as I sit down and call Noah. He picks up after a few rings.
"What Hannah." He says with an attitude. I furrow my eyebrows.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today but not with that fucking attitude." I give his attitude right back to him. He laughs softly.
"Sorry Cyrus is really getting on my nerves today. Please come over! We can hang out and plan for the New York trip next week!" He had excitement in his voice.
"You seem very excited for this trip. What're we even doing on it?" I ask obliviously. Noah said that he couldn't say anything about the trip because Matt wanted it to be a surprise for me. Matt always loved surprising people, I love that side of him. I agreed with Noah and told him that I was on my way to his house. I changed into a tight fitted long sleeve. It was a deep burgundy color so I matched it with a pair of light blue jeans. They were high waisted and fitted on my thighs but a bit baggier below my knees. I pick some jewelry to go with my outfit and pick up my black docs. I quickly put them on and grab my favorite zip up. I grab my keys and run out to my car. As I got into my car I try to start it but it stalled.
"Are you fucking kidding!" I scream and hit the steering wheel. I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Noah's number. He answers almost immediately.
"What's up Annie." He asks as I try starting my car again.
"Hey, my fucking car is stalling and it won't start. Can someone please come pick me up." I ask a bit shy to say my car wasn't working. He chuckles on the phone and hands it to someone.
"I'll come pick you up, give me five minutes." Matt said from the other end. Oh my fucking god. Anybody but Matt please. I say to myself, revisiting my dream from last night.
"O-okay i'll see you in a bit." I say hanging up the phone. Fuck. What am I supposed to do, I'm gonna be so awkward. I sit in my car for about ten minutes until Matt pulls up. I take a deep breath and get out of my car. I make sure I have all my stuff and make my way over to his car. I open the passenger door and get it. I throw my stuff in the back and buckle up.
"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod silently. He looks at me confused and starts to drive. The beginning of the car ride was completely silent, other than his music lightly playing on the radio.
"Okay what is going on?" He asks turning off the radio and pulling over. "You are never this quiet with me." He says with a laugh.
"Nothing, we're literally five minutes from your house." I say pointing down the road. He is staring at me waiting for a real answer.
"Matthew. Nothing is wrong continue driving, and stop staring at me. It's weird." I say looking out my window as the car pulls back into the street. I lightly start to tap my foot. Matt catched me acting anxious and gets frustrated.
"Bruh, I've known you my entire life and I know somethings wrong. What is going on!" He exclaims trying to pry the answer out. His eyes were concentrated on the road. I sigh audibly.
"Fine. I had a weird fucking dream about you last night." I blurt out as I begin to play with my fingers. He starts to laugh and glances over at me.
"That's why you're not talking to me? Because you had a weird dream about me?" He asks through quiet laughter. I scoff.
"It felt so real Matt! It kind of scared me honestly." I chuckle and he pats my shoulder.
"You're fine. Tell me what it's about and it won't become real." He jokes and puts his hand back on the wheel. I roll my eyes and giggle.
"Okay, not that that's how that works. All I can really remember is that you, Cyrus, Noah and I were having a sleepover at my house and you shared a bed with me. Cy and Noah fell asleep like almost immediately and it was just you and me talking. And then literally out of now where you and I started making out-" I put my hand over my mouth. I didn't really want him to know that part. He comes up on a red light and stops the car. He then bursts out in laughter.
"You and I? Making out! That's hilarious Hannah!" He yells broken with laughter. I blush softly.
"Oh shut up!" I yell at him, "It's never gonna happen." I say crossing my arms and looking at him. He smirks and looks at me quickly.
"Maybe it will." He says with a wink and then looks back at the road. I shiver and gag jokingly.
"Ugh gross!" I exclaim with a giggle and he chuckles. We arrive at the house and he's still laughing.
"Making out. That's so funny." He says with a soft sigh at the end and getting out of the car. He shakes his head with a grin as I get out of the car and I give him a glare.
"Do not tell anyone. You will die Matthew." I say as I walk up to him. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Don't worry Annie. I'll tell everyone." He chuckles as he speaks. I nudge his side and push myself away with a laugh.
"I hate you Matt." I giggle as I walk up the front steps. He pushes the front door open.
"You love me. Don't even deny it." He says walking in before me, taking off his shoes inside. I roll my eyes with a smile and do the same. We walk into the living room where I was greeted by Cyrus, his girlfriend Gabriella, Matt's friend Mark, Noah and his best friend Brooke.
"Hey!" Noah says snapping up from the couch and running up to hug me, "long time no see." He laughs and I smile.
"It's not like you saw me the other day in school or anything." I laugh sitting down on an open spot in the couch. Matt sits down next to me and leaves some space between us. I look over at Gabby and Cyrus as they cuddle into each other laughing at a video on her phone. Noah has sat back down next to Brooke and they are both on their phones showing each other things back and forth. This is where things kind of got awkward. Everyone in the room kind of had someone to hang out with and I was just there.
"I'll be right back." I said getting up from the couch.
"Where are you goin?" Cyrus asks, and I point to the bathroom door. He nods his head and Gabby smiles at me. I smile back and make my way into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and sit on the floor pulling out my phone and getting on TikTok. I sit in there for what feels like five minutes when someone knocks on the door.
"Hannah? You okay in there?" I hear someone say. Realizing it's Gabby I get up and open the door.
"Yeah i'm fine, what's up." I ask putting my phone in my pocket.
"You've been in here for about half an hour. I was getting worried." She says with a slight smile. I look at her confused.
"Thirty minutes? For real?" I ask with a laugh and she smiles.
"Yeah! The boys all went out to go get some food for lunch so it's just you, Noah, Brooke and I. Come hang out with us." She suggests grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. Harry Styles is playing in the background and they have playing cards on the table. I smile softly and sit down in front of Brooke. Gabby sits next to me and we decide to play go-fish. An hour passed and the front door opens loudly.
"Fuck you Cyrus. I swear if you say anything-" Matt says walking into the house with bags of groceries in his arms before getting cut off harshly by Cy.
"What the hell did I do!" Cyrus yells back throwing something at Matt. Matt drops everything as he gets into the kitchen and turns around.
"You never fucking shut your mouth do you!" He darts towards Cyrus and tackles him to the ground. Gabby's hand shoots up and covers her mouth as she gasps loudly. I sit there in shock as the two boys throw punches at each other and are screaming at one another. Mark pushes Matt off Cyrus. Cyrus crawls away holding his bloody nose.
"What the fuck was that!" Noah screamed at them, "I know we argue but for fucks sake! You two have never been this bad! What is going on!" He yells at them. Matt stands up and wipes his nose. Cyrus looks over at us as Gabby gets up and runs over to him. The two boys look at each other. Gabby is all over Cyrus checking for anymore marks or bruising. Matt flips him off and walks away.
"Mark go ahead and sit, I'll go deal with Matt okay?" I suggest as he nods his head. I pat his back before running after Matt.
"Matt?" I ask softly tapping his doorframe. I hear him sigh and some shuffling in his room.
"Go away. I'm not in the mood to talk right now." He says sternly. I reject his request to no conversation and walk in.
"You can't shut me out Matthew. What is going on with you and Cy?" I ask sitting down next to him on his bed. He looks at me and then down at his dirty white shoes.
"It's been a couple days since Amanda and I broke up yeah? I've already decided that I've liked someone else. I mean I think I've liked this girl since we've met. But I think I liked Amanda more when we started dating. Those feelings for this other girl have always been there, hiding I guess. I told Cyrus who it was and as we were walking in he told me that he was going to tell this girl. And that's why I got mad. If he tells this girl," He pauses and looks at me with sad eyes, "It could ruin my entire friendship with her. I can't lose her. She's everything to me, and her friendship is the most important thing to me. I just don't know what to do." He explains with tears in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and rub it in circles.
"Matt why didn't you just tell him to back off? You're allowed to do that." I say to him trying to comfort him.
"I fucking tried but he kept prying!" He says extend my frustrated. Matt and I continue to talk about this for like fifteen minutes.
"So who's this girl?" I ask with a smirk. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"I'm not telling you, I have no chance with her. Well..Not right now anyway. She just got broken up with like a day or two before Amanda dumped me. So I'm gonna give her time before I do anything." He smiles softly. Deep down I had a feeling he was talking about me. But that couldn't be right could it? Matt couldn't have a crush on me, could he?

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