Chapter Three

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My alarm for 6:45 went off. I groan and hit the stop button. I sit up in my bed and rub my face softly. I roll my eyes and put my legs over the edge of my bed. My feet hit the cold wooded floor and that sends shivers up my spine.
"I guess it's gonna be cold today." I say to myself with a chuckle, standing up and stretching my arms up to the ceiling. I pick up my phone and go into the weather app.
"It's gonna snow?!" I exclaim. I groan loudly and jump back into bed. "Fuuck." I groan into the sheets. I sit there thinking about Cooper and I shake my head. He was the last thing I wanted on my mind, I'm just scared of having to see him after the breakup this weekend. I know I have the boys there with me but I don't know how to feel seeing Cooper in person. Seeing how hurt he might be, or how okay he might seem. I get back up and go to my closet. I throw on a black, turtle neck long sleeve. It was a very fitted shirt so it accentuated my waist perfectly. I get light grey leggings and throw them on. I grab some fuzzy socks and my black converse, a zip up, mascara and a hair tie then make my way downstairs. I set everything in my hands on the kitchen table and walk to the fridge.
"Bruh. How did she forgot to go to the grocery store again." I say rolling my eyes and closing the fridge roughly. I open a drawer and grab two pieces of bread. I pop the bread into the toaster and set it for two minutes. I grab a plate from the cabinet and the nutella from the pantry. As I was getting a knife from the drawer my phone started to buzz. I walk over to the table and pick up my phone. Matt was calling.
"Hello?" I ask into the phone. I could hear some giggling in the background and I smile softly.
"Hi Hannah!" The three boys yell. They bust out into laughter and I giggle surprised by the yelling.
"What's up boys?" I question, making my way back to the drawer to get a knife.
"Well we are on our way right now to come pick you up," Matt starts to talk and my toast pops up. I shrug my right shoulder to hold my phone up to my ear, "We don't want you to walk today because guess what!" He exclaims as I put nutella on my bread with a big smile.
"What Matty?" I ask waiting for a response. I take a bite of my toast and release the pressure of my phone off my shoulder and take it back into my hand.
"It's gonna snow!" Noah screams. I smile and shake my head as I sat down at the table next to my mess of things. The boys started to talk about some random stuff as I ate my breakfast. Soon my mom comes downstairs interrupting our conversation and I look over at her.
"Text me when you guys are here okay? Love you boys." I say hanging up the phone and putting it on the table.
"Morning Hannah." My mom says with a slight groan. I sigh softly and watch her go to the fridge.
"Good morning mom, how was last night?" I ask taking another bite of my toast. She scoffs loudly. I get ready for the rant of her night with my father.
"It fucking sucked. Your dad is such a pain in my ass sometimes. He gave me such a headache." She chuckles. I smile and get up from my seat.
"Drink some water and take some ibuprofen, you're gonna need it." I say to my mom as a I rub her back softly. She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder gently. She wraps her arm around my waist and sighs once again.
"Thank you for being such an amazing daughter. I know it's hard sometimes with your dad being gone all the time and me working but you take care of us, even though it should be the other way around. You're doing an amazing job." She comforts me by petting my hair. I say thank you and walk back to the table. I grab all my stuff off the table and head to the living room. I sit down on the couch and put my socks and converse on. I get up and head to the bathroom with my mascara. I put some mascara on and grab my eyeliner from the shelf in the bathroom. I did light makeup for school everyday because without it I honestly felt naked. It wasn't really heavy liner or mascara, it was just a simple and small wing and a couple layers of mascara. I put my hair into a low ponytail and look in the mirror. I look at myself in disgust and take out my hair. I shook the roots and decided it looked fine.
"Oh baby you look cute!" My mom says as she walks past the doorway of the bathroom. I smile and grab chapstick from the shelf.
"Thanks momma." I say putting on some chapstick. When I'm finished in the bathroom, I walk out and grab my zip up off the couch and my backpack off the ground. My phone starts to buzz on the table and I walk to grab it. I answer the phone.
"What." I say a little annoyed they didn't just text me to let me know they were here.
"C'mon hurry! We're here and we have a surprise for you!" Noah says into the phone and I chuckle lightly.
"I'm on my way. Lemme say goodbye to my mom." I hang up the phone and put it in my legging pocket. I put my zip up on and throw my backpack over my shoulder hurriedly.
"Hey momma! Matt and the boys are here to pick me up, I love you!" I yell into the vacant house.
"I love you too sweetheart! Stay safe!" She yells back. I smile. I knew my mom would kill the boys if anything happened to me. She loved them but she knew they weren't the safest people in the world.
"Will do! See you later." I say opening the front door and walking out. I giggle at the boys as I close the front door.
"What're you guys doing?" I asked. The three of them were standing in weird positions in front of the car. They all had heavy jackets on and had their hoodies underneath. Matt smiles and looks at Noah.
"So we did something." Noah says with a chuckle at the end. I start to walk up to them, carefully watching for ice.
"I'm confused." I replied to Noah as he stuck out his hand. There was a small piece of paper in it and I raised an eyebrow. When I got to the boys they start to snicker and laugh. I snatched the paper out of Noah's hand. I look at the boys and they were practically jumping out of their skin. I hesitantly look down at the paper. My jaw drops as I see it's a plane ticket to New York.
"You're fucking kidding!" I scream into the neighborhood. I jump up and down and the boys start yelling excitedly.
"We're taking you to New York!" Matt exclaims with a smile on his face. I throw myself at him and hug him tightly.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I say squealing in his arms. He lets go of me and I give the same hug to Noah and Cy.
"When is this happening?" I ask looking at the plane ticket again. The boys looked at each other and then at me.
"What?" I question, confused as to why they were looking at me like that.
"'s for the entire fucking winter break!" Cyrus screams before his brothers could move an inch. My eyes widen.
"You spoke to my parents to see if this was okay?" I asked the three of them. Noah and Matt smile.
"Of course we did! Who do you think we are?" Noah chuckles into his hand.
"I think y'all are stupid, but I love you guys. Thank you for this surprise you dumbasses!" I say softly moving around to show my excitement.
"Okay okay, let's get going to school before we show up late." Matt says running around the car to the drivers seat.
"Shotgun!" Cyrus and I yell at the same time. We both laugh and I give him shotgun. Matt and Cy throw their backpacks in front of Noah and I and we toss them into the trunk along with ours.
"I wanted to sit by Nozy Noah anyway." I wink at Noah. He frowns and crosses his arms.
"I hate that damn nickname." He says and everybody laughs. I look at him and pout jokingly.
"Well we love it Nozy," Matt says starting the car, "Now everybody buckle!" He says in a girly voice. I chuckle and buckle up.
When we got close to the school I began to get nervous. I started to shake my leg and bite my cuticles. I really didn't want to know what Cooper would do if he saw me with the boys after the breakup. Noah looks over at me and raises an eyebrow.
"You okay Hanns?" He asked politely. I make eye contact with him and shake my head. I could feel my heartbeat in my head and my body stiffens up. I couldn't sit still and I felt nauseous.
"I feel like I can barely breath and fuck I'm really nervous." I say breathlessly. Noah puts his hand on my back and starts to rub it in circles. Cyrus turns around in his seat and looks at Noah and I.
"Hannah I think you're having a panic attack and I need you to take a deep breath alright?" Cy says putting his hand on my knee. We pull into the school parking lot and Matt parks the car. Matt then turns around in his seat and softly smiles at me.
"We'll be by your side all day Annie, he's not gonna lay a finger on you. The three of us won't allow it okay? Gimme your hand," He says taking my hand into his, "Take a deep breath and look at us. You're safe with us Hannah." He speaks with such care towards me. It takes about five minutes, but I manage to take a few deep breaths and nod my head. The boys have concerned looks on their face but smile when they see me nod and take one last deep breath.
"I'm okay now." I say and Noah pats my back gently. We get out of the car and the cold air strikes my face harshly. We all grab our backpacks from the trunk and start heading into the school. Noah and I were talking to each other when Amanda, Matt's ex girlfriend, walked up to us.
"Hey." She says stopping in front of me. I look at her confused with my eyebrows furrowed.
"Hi?" I question. Her and I have never really talked unless she was with Matt, so this was weird.
"This is for stealing Matthew from me." She says and then slaps me hard across the face. My head jerks the way she slapped me and my hand shoots up to my cheek.
"What the actual fuck Amanda!" I yell loudly, "I didn't do anything, you fucking cheated on him you fucking slut!" I screamed at her still holding my cheek. She seems offended and scoffs loudly. She rolls her eyes, spits in my face then walks off. Noah stood there shocked.
"Holy shit are you okay?" He questions me, taking my hand and dragging me away from the crowd that had appeared when she slapped me.
"I'm fine." I demand as I wipe spit off my face. I harshly take my hand away from Noah's grip and walk into the girls bathroom.
"Ugh what a bitch." I say to myself turning on the faucet. I take a paper towel and wet the end of it. I wipe the spit off my chin and cheek then throw the paper towel away. The door opens and a girl walks in.
"Hey, I saw what happened out there. Are you okay?" She asks me softly. I turn to look who it is. I've never seen her at school before.
"Yeah I'm okay thanks." I say turning off the sink and fixing my clothes. She nods as I leave the restroom. I see Noah and the twins talking. I groan softly and walk up to them reluctantly.
"Hey guys." I say pulling out my phone and going into snapchat.
"You guys ready to go to Chem?" Cyrus asks and both Matt and I groan.
"No I fucking hate that stupid class." I say rolling my eyes with some sass.
"Fucking stupid class." Matt says and him and Cyrus laugh. They dab each other up and start walking to class.
"I'll see you at lunch okay?" I turn to Noah, he nods and gives me a hug.
"See ya!" He says running off to meet with Brayden. I catch up with the twins and walk-in pace with them.
"Are you so excited for chem!" Matt exclaims sarcastically with a straight face. I smile and shake my head.
"So ready." Cyrus and I both say. All three of us laugh and walk into Chem. We sit down in our seats, which aren't really assigned. Our chem teacher was one of those who didn't care who you sat by or where. As long as we weren't too loud. Cyrus, Matt and I sat at a small table in the back big enough to fit four. I always say in the middle of them. This was really the only part of chem I liked. Sitting by my best friends, my family.

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