Chapter 11

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"AHHH!" Steve and my screams intertwined together- mixed with the screechings of the bat like monsters biting our bodies made an awful symphony of noises. "Get off of her!" I heard amongst the screaming as a bat was pulled away from me. I sobbed when I was able to breathe again, looking up I saw Eddie, Robin, and Nancy ripping and killing the bats off of Steve and me. "Eddie, look out!" Robin shouted just as one of the bats landed on his head. "Ah!" He shouted as he tried ripping the thing off of him. It must have been the adrenaline filling my veins because before I knew it- I stood on shaky legs and grabbed the bat off my boyfriend. Slamming it repeatedly on the ground of the dried up lake. Until its head was crushed in by the force. Steve has done the same but placed his foot on the bat's neck- pulling the body away causing it to rip in half, killing it.

Taking in deep shallow breaths I could feel blood dripping out of my mouth- spitting it out, I grimaced at the metal taste it left behind. My vision slowly came back to me- blurry as it was before, I felt gentle hands cupping my cheek and neck. Looking up I smiled as my eyes met Eddie's. Mine were filled with relief but he's mirrored the opposite- worried and scared mixed together in his brown eyes, causing me to frown. I held his hands in mine as he looked over my body- wincing at the sight of my shirt ruined and soaked in blood- both from the bats and my own.

"I'm okay..." I whispered. He shook his head. "I shouldn't have let you go down there." He whispered back- nuzzling his nose with mine. "I'm okay too, you know." Steve chimed in as Nancy and Robin looked over his injuries. I chuckled as I looked over to them. "Glad to hear it." Eddie rolled his eyes at the known babysitter. "Let's head back-" Nancy said, but stopped when a swarm of bats came- blocking the nearest exit. "Shit." I said, clenching my side- Eddie hooked his arm around my back, supporting my weight. "Let's go!" Nancy said as she began jogging away from the gateway. She helped Steve while Eddie helped me- Robin ran in between us four.

Making it to skull rock, Eddie ripped a piece of his Hellfire club shirt and wrapped the cloth around my wounds. Nancy goes the same with Steve with her own clothing. Robin pacing back and forth between us four- panicking about us possibly having rabies. "Robin, not helping." I said, wincing when Eddie put pressure on a certain area. "Yeah, Robs- you're annoying me." Steve grimaced. "Oh good! Your sense of humor is still intact- that's a good sign." Robin chuckled nervously as she walked over to me and held my hand. I squeezed hers in return, trying to ease her nerves. Eddie patted her shoulder. "Where to now?" Eddie asked as he climbed the giant rock. "We need weapons if we're going to stay here any longer." I said, looking over to Eddie. "Watch out for the roots." I said to him, he froze and raised a brow at me. "It's a hive mind- you step on one of those he'll know we're here." Steve said, filling in the blank. "How about the police station? They'd have guns and grenades, right?" Robin asked. "Why would the police have grenades?" Steve asked, Robin glared at him. "Look I'm just saying that's a possibility." She reasoned. "It's too far." I chimed in, standing on shaky legs, Eddie held my side as Robin kept her grip on my left hand. The bats had done more damage to me then Steve- which sucks, but hey I'm glad he was okay. "I have guns!" Nancy said in realizion. I gasped and snapped my fingers at her. "That's right you do!" I said.

"You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns? Plural?" Eddie asked, shocked, Robin giggled and smiled. "She's full of surprises, isn't she?" She said, gesturing to Nancy. "I have a pistol and a shotgun." She shrugged her shoulders. "That'll be easier, your house is closer and mines a ways away." I informed them, Eddie looked over to me with his eyes wide. "Babe... do you have guns at your place?" Eddie asked, I nodded. "Three pistols. No shotgun- the recoil sent me flying." I stated, Nancy chuckled- knowing the memory we shared of me testing out the same shotgun she now has. I went flying a foot away because of the damn thing. Eddie slowly blinks but nods. "My girl's a badass." He smirked, rubbing my shoulder. I puffed out a breath of air and smiled at him. "Alright, let's go." Steve said as he and Nancy led the way. Robin walked next to me and Eddie. But before we could continue, Eddie slipped off his jean vest and chucked it at Steve. "For your modesty, dude." Eddie nodded, Steve raised a brow but nonetheless slipped on his vest.

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