Chapter 6

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Eddie and I became close. Billy even started bonding with him- especially with their shared taste in music. During our hang outs at either his place or mine- mostly mine since I lived alone, we would laugh at stories of our childhood and he would show me the latest songs he and his band wrote. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas even joined his D&D club at high school and they bonded really fast. Funny enough Dustin would grow jealous every time Eddie and I hung out without him- Steve got jealous whenever Dustin or I even mentioned Eddie. Within those few weeks I grew more fond of the drug dealer with a heart of gold. Chrissy and I even became somewhat closer friends- greeting each other at our lockers and even pairing up for class projects. I did wonder deep down if Jason ever told her what I had done to him, I mean she must have seen what I did to his basketball, but she never brought it up. She and Jason were dating... so I wonder why he never said anything when she talked about me to him. It was something to worry about another day.

For now I was sitting at the school's guidance counselor, Ms. Kelley. My knee was bouncing as she handed me a paper listing the different clubs here at school. "You'll need eighty hours of community service in order to graduate. These clubs still need some members and it'll look good on college applications." She said, I sighed when I didn't see Eddie's club- it would've been easier that way, but it didn't seem luck was on my side. My eyebrows raised when I saw a spot opened for cheerleading. "Okay, thanks." I said standing up from my seat and walking out of her office once she said I could go. I looked at the list again and took a deep breath. Letting it out through my nose, I made my way to the gym- hoping that Chrissy was there.

The gym echoed with the squeak of sneakers running against the glossy floors. Across the giant room was Chrissy and her squad of girls- I made my way over cutting across the basketball court. Ignoring the guys passing around balls- my eyes spotted Lucas. He had made the basketball team once they held try-outs. I was proud of him but in the process of making the team he neglected his friends and Max. Which didn't make Billy happy at all, but he never took his anger out on him like he did in the past. Lucas saw me staring and gave me a small wave- waving back I continued my walk towards the preppy blonde. "Hey, Chrissy!" I called out, as she and other girls began their stretching. She turns to look behind her and she smiles when she sees it was me. "Hey, (Y/n). What are you doing here?" She asked, I could hear a pair of shoes stop running and I looked over to my left and saw Jason staring between Chrissy and I. Sighing and looking back at Chrissy, I asked if we could talk outside real quick.

Leaning up against the outside brick wall of the gym, I let Chrissy take in my request. "I know, I know- it's really last minute, but I saw that you guys still have an opening and... I don't know. Thought it could be fun." I said, looking over to her.

"We are short a member..." Chrissy said hesitantly. I looked back and forth between her and the closed gym double doors. Pushing myself off the wall, I step in front of her. My hands shoved into my jean jacket pockets. "Look, it was stupid of me to assume you'd say yes. Hell I've been giving your boyfriend hell-" I admitted. "What? You mean Jason?" Chrissy asked surprised at my confession, I raised an eyebrow at her- now I was confused. "Well- yeah? Like when I punched him on the side of his chin because he called me orphan-"
"What?!" Chrissy gasped. I continued not listening to her, my anxiety coming over my mind and speech. "Also I popped his ball when it fell on my soda and ruined my shirt-" I stopped when she grabbed my shoulders. "Stop! Stop, look." She smooths her hands over my shoulders. "I didn't know any of that stuff... we just started dating a few weeks ago- that's why he had a busted chin, huh?" Chrissy furrowed her brows. I looked between her eyes- feeling guilty about probably putting the idea that Jason wasn't a good person in her head, I reached my hands out and placed them over her shoulders. Mirroring what she was doing to me. "I'm sure he's changed... and I'm sorry I just dumped these on you- I'll just look into another club." I said, patting her shoulder, but she stops me from walking away by grabbing my wrist.

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