Chapter 2

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It was the last day of summer, Billy and I drove around the town in my red Camaro- the gang were hanging out for the day until school tomorrow. And we were picking up liquor for our hangout with Steve and Robin. The day before while we were eating ice cream outside of the local ice cream shop, since Scoop's Ahoy was closed, while we were talking a poster hanging in the alleyway caught my eye. The black paper with words printed in red with an image of a coffin, Corroded Coffins with a time, date, and location of where the band would be playing. Billy must have noticed that I wasn't there with them, because I felt him breathing by my ear. "Corroded Coffins?" Billy mumbled, my eyes lit up when I saw they were playing tomorrow- on our last day of summer. "We should go check it out!" I jumped on my toes in excitement, Billy narrowed his eyes in thought just as Steve and Robin walked into the alleyway. Robin read the poster out loud and Steve groaned at the type of music they would be playing. 

          "Rock? I'm out." Steve said, licking his ice cream cone. Billy, Robin, and I rolled our eyes at the babysitter. "We should go." Billy smirked, Steve narrowed his eyes at Billy. "You only want to go because I said I'm out." Steve said, shoving his free hand into his back pocket. Billy smirks at his frenemy. "Exactly." Billy said with a shit eating grin. I nudged Billy's side and looked over to a pouting Steve. "Come on! It's our last day of freedom! Let's do something cool!" I smiled at Steve and Robin. The short haired girl smiles and pumps her fist in the air. "Let's do this, I'm in!" She says. All three of us looked at Steve for his answer with my puppy eyes, Robins pout, and Billy internally telling Steve 'Say no' he sighs and nods in agreement. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he only agreed to the concert to piss off Billy, but I was happy he was coming. Our last night of summer should be spent with all of us together! Wishing Nancy would come but she was too busy with her future plans about running the school's paper and probably on a phone date with Jonathan. 

Just as we were gonna discuss more of our plans I heard a group of voices coming around the corner. Looking behind Steve, I see Jason Carver and his group of friends. The same guys who were on the basketball team with Steve, until Billy came and took his ‘crown’ as king of Hawkins. Billy never really hung out with them- not after Starcourt. “Hey man!” Jason smiled, waving at Billy and ignoring the rest of us. Billy didn’t wave back but I could feel him rolling his eyes at the basketball caption. Jason walks up to us holding his hand up for a high five which Billy ignores- causing Jason to slowly lower his hand. The blond looks at the poster we were standing in front of- reading the name out loud. “Those losers’ band is playing, huh? You guys gonna go and make fun of them? Cause we’re in if you guys do.” I raised a brow at him. 

“Losers?” I asked, confused- I looked over to Steve, Robin, and Billy for an answer but they only shrugged their shoulders in response. I looked back over to Jason for him to continue. “You know, Eddie Munson? The freak that runs that cult after school?” Jason lists off, I frown and shake my head- he wasn’t coming to mind. I was never good at names- but once I see a face I never forget it. 

“We’re just trying to do something cool for our last day of summer.” I explained, Jason nodded and looked between the four of us. 

“Right, yeah- if I was stuck at that fire at Starcourt, I would want to do something to take my mind off that.” Jason reasoned. Flashes of the spider monster came back into my mind. The screams of Billy and Max- along with the others filled my ears. The scar on my thigh and side started to faintly burn. “Yeah. The fire.” Billy nodded, he squeezed my shoulder. 

“Come on! Let’s go before our ice creams melt.” Robin said, trying to get us away from Jason and his friends. “Yeah.” Walking to the other side of the open alleyway but not before Jason shouted one more thing at us. “See you guys later!” I huffed out a breath of air as we turned a corner. “Carver sure does have a crush on you, Hargrove.” I teased, Billy pushed my shoulder forward- Robin and I laughed while Steve broke out into a grin. Billy pushed Steve when he saw his lips turn upwards. “What are you laughing at?” Billy frowned, Steve shoved him back as we continued our little walk. 

Tonight was gonna be fun- and I wonder who this ‘freak’ Eddie Munson is.

Strange Things (Eddie Munson x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz