Chapter 7

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It seems like the start of the school year had only started a few weeks ago- now it was close to spring break- after that only a few more months until graduation. I was proud of myself and more importantly I was proud of Eddie- he had told me that all he wanted was a D in Ms. O' Donnell's class, but he had promised me to at least get a C. He's at a C+ in her class and in his other classes he's at low B's and high C's. The school was shocked to find out we were dating- I mean, we didn't hide it in the first place. Eddie was worried the other cheerleaders and jocks would bully me for just being with him- but I quickly proved him wrong and it was during a practice game. He and his friends- when not having a campaign, would come and support me at the basketball games. It was during the warm ups, not a lot of people were there yet- Eddie and his friends took up the bleachers at the upper row. Eddie took glances at me while telling his friends when the next campaign was gonna be and how long it would probably take. He was minding his own business and the other jocks and cheerleaders didn't even bat an eye to them being there- they learned early on that he would be where I was and vice versa. Jason was done with his laps around the court when he stopped in front of the bleachers. Standing at the bottom while Eddie and his paid him no mind. I glanced over to Eddie- my eyes narrowed when I noticed Jason waiting at the bottom of the metal seats. Chrissy noticed I had stopped stretching and followed my line of sight. Concern formed on her features, gently placing her hand on my arm. I didn't take my eyes off her boyfriend- she knew how they were. "I'm sure he won't do anything." Chrissy whispered in my ear, I shook my head. "You know Jason won't stop until he provokes him." Chrissy sighed.

It was hard enough that she and I became close friends- honestly, Billy and her were my two best friends. However, the ill will between our boyfriends was starting to bother me. I knew Eddie taunted Jason but it was a part of his personality- it was no excuse, but he got better at not starting any fights. Jason, on the other hand- always wanted to start something, even at the request of Chrissy to not start anything. He cared about her, hell I would say he loved her- but I could also say he loves fighting with Eddie more.

"You freaks finally stepped out of your cage, huh?!" Jason taunted, resting his hands on his hips. My shoulders tensed up but Chrissy held me back. Everyone's eyes went to Jason and the Hellfire club- the basketball players stopped their free throws and the girls stopped their stretching. "Really? Come on Carver, don't start something you can't finish." Eddie said, rolling his eyes at the meathead. "Jason." I warned, Chrissy still held me back even stepping in front of me. "(Y/n), don't- you can't get another detention." Chrissy reminded me. I rolled my eyes at her but kept them glued on Jason. "Yeah, we wouldn't want you off the team... Queen of freaks." Jason whispered the last part- the room filled with gasps and 'oh's from the girls and guys around us. Chrissy turns around to glare at her boyfriend. "Jason! Enough!" She shouted, looking over at Eddie and his friends- I saw his eyes fill with anger as he shot up from his seat. I walked around Chrissy and walked over to Eddie, climbing up the bleachers. I took a seat in front of him before he could walk over to Jason. "Eddie, don't. You can't get another detention-" I spoke but he cut me off. "Fuck that! He can't talk to you like that!" Eddie shouted as he looked over my head to stare Jason down.

"Stop trying to pick a fight with Eddie." Chrissy told him. Jason rolled his eyes at her- ripping his arm away from her touch. I looked behind me and saw Jason turn red- his eyes filled with disbelief. "Why are you standing up for him? They're losers! Freaks!" Jason shouted looking around the room for support- but all he got was silence from his team and the girls. "So?" my eyes landed on Lucas- who stepped away from his team towards Jason and Chrissy. "Sinclair?" Jason asked, but his voice was laced with a warning- like if he disagrees or argues with him he'll regret it. "Why is being a 'freak' a bad thing?" He asked, air quotes around the word freak. "Honestly, I joined the team because I was tired of being bullied- by people like you." Lucas pointed at Jason. My heart cracked a bit- the kids were always picked on but they had learned to live with it, guilt of my own formed when I realized that I never helped them with it. "But then I realized there will always be bullies- the Hellfire guys are the kindest and coolest people I've meant. You're saying D&D is a cult- it's like someone else saying basketball is a cult." Lucas pointed out.

"You standing up for the freaks, Sinclair?" Jason asked, disbelief laced his voice. "They're not freaks!" I snarled, Eddie gently wrapping his arm around my shoulders- stopping my advances towards Jason. "Jason." Chrissy warned, he looked over towards her- seeing anger in her eyes. All Jason did was scoff at her and pushed her away- causing her to almost fall to the ground. I shoved Eddie's arms off me- which didn't take a lot since he let me go right as Jason placed his hands on her. I ran towards Jason while Eddie and his friends followed me. The girls came to Chrissy while I stood in-between her and Jason. Eddie stood next to me while Jeff and Gareth checked on Chrissy. "Jason what the fuck?!" Abby, the co-captain of the cheerleaders shouted as she stepped around me towards Jason. He scoffed at her. "This doesn't involve you-" Jason stopped when Abby raised her hand and slapped him across the face. Her press on nails leaves red stretches on his cheek- red lines blossoming on his skin. "You fucking bitch!" Jason hurried to Abby, before any of us could act- Gareth ran over and wedged himself between Abby and Jason. Resulting in Jason punching Gareth in the stomach. Eddie grabs Jason's jersey and punches him in the face- sending him stumbling back a bit. The rest of the basketball team ran over to hold Jason back- just as the coach came walking in.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on here?!" He shouted, confusion formed when he saw Jason being held back with a red cheek, a scared Abby comforting a hurt Gareth and Chrissy on the verge of crying. "Jason tried to hit me." Abby broke into a sob. "What?!" The coach shouted shocked that Hawkin's golden boy would do something so bad.

Jason was benched for the rest of the season, Chrissy broke up with him and the girls and I stayed with her to cheer her up. Abby and Gareth began hanging out, which ended up with them dating. Turns out she was a big fan of the Hobbit- Gareth introduced Jeff to another cheerleader, Tina, who was a huge fan of Star wars and they hit it off right away. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were shocked to see the Hellfire table mix with cheerleaders. Eddie and I were no longer the talk of Hawkins which we both were relieved at.

Chrissy and I spent a lot of time together since she dumped Jason. We were watching rom-coms in my living room when the doorbell ranged followed by my front door opening and shutting. I know it wasn't Eddie, Dustin, or Mike- since they were at a hellfire campaign. Looking around the corner I see Billy standing in the kitchen with pizza and sweets. "Hey! Billy!" I got up from the couch with Chrissy following. "Hey, had the day off and was thinking of hanging out with you- but looks like you have company already." Billy looks over my shoulder and sends Chrissy a small smile- she smiles back. "Please, stay! We were just watching some movies!" I smiled walking to my cabinet and grabbing plates and cups. Glancing between Chrissy and Billy- watching them smile and making small talk with each other. Billy mumbled a bit here and there while Chrissy's cheeks and tips of her ears turned pink. This was the most I've seen her smile since her break up. I smiled to myself and plated the food- making our way to the living room.

I watched them talk like the world around them wasn't there- feeling like the third wheel now. A few hours later, I paused the movie when I heard light snoring. I looked over to the couch- Billy and Chrissy without knowing pushed me away to the armchair, and saw the both of them sleeping. Chrissy's arms hugging Billy's arm close to her- her head resting on his shoulder while Billy rested his cheek on the top of her head. Standing up, I turned the tv off and grabbed the blanket that was on the armchair, settled it on them and cleaned up the mess. I heard the front door open and I ran over, seeing Eddie there ready to shout a 'Honey, I'm home!' but I stopped him by covering his mouth with my hands. "Shh! Chrissy and Billy are sleeping." I whispered, His eyes widened and walked over to the living room. His mouth drops opened as he looked at the sleeping duo and then back to me. "Oh my god." He mouthed out, I smiled and led him to the kitchen.

"My two best friends together? I like that!" I whispered, Eddie smirked and warped his arms around my waist, placing open mouth kisses on my neck and shoulder. I hummed and leaned back on Eddie, my back resting on his chest. "Let's head to your room."

"Our room." I emphasized the word, causing Eddie to smile like a fool as we made our way to our bedroom.

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