Chapter 9

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Eddie sat on one of the small chairs he had for his small table- Billy and Chrissy sat on the couch, after an hour of her crying she fell asleep on her boyfriend. Billy held her close, refusing to leave her side- incase it would happen again. I paced the length of the living room, trying to come up with an idea of what the hell had just happened. “Do you think ‘its’ back?” Billy whispered, I almost didn’t catch what he was saying. My pacing came to halt when he suggested what I think he was suggesting. Flashes of the spider monster, the demodogs running under the ground- Will being possessed by the mind flayer. I shook my head. “No. No- no, I refuse to believe this thing is back in Hawkins.” I said, trying to keep my voice below a whisper, I didn’t want to wake Chrissy- she looked like she'd seen hell.  “W-what thing? This has happened before?” Eddie asked, standing from his seat. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, my fingers digging into my eye sockets- Eddie walked over to me, pulling my hands away from my face. I looked between his puppy dog eyes to Billy, who sighed in defeat and nodded his head. Silently gesturing for me to explain what was possibly happening… again. Bending my knees to sit on the ground of Eddie’s living room, I bring him down with me. Sitting cross legged in front of me, I began to explain everything to him. 

From the moment Will Byers went missing, to finding out about Eleven, then explaining the Upside Down- a place like Hawkins but not Hawkins- Billy being possessed by the thing called the mind flayer and then finally to the ‘fire’ at the Starcourt mall.  Eddie didn’t say a word not even after I was finished, letting out an uneven breath- worry began to fill my mind. Was he going to leave because this was all too much? He brought his hands up to his hair, pushing his brown curly locks back- pulling at the riots as he stared at his empty space between him and I. “I-, um. I know this is a lot and I totally understand if you want out of-” I gestured between us, “This. I won’t-” Eddie waved his arms in front of him and grabbed my shoulders. “Stop. Stop. No. I’m not leaving you!” Eddie huffed, smiling at me. I honestly could cry right now, but I don’t and I smile back at him. “I’m just trying to take all of this in. It’s a lot of… um-” 

“Shit.” Billy finished, Eddie snapped his fingers at him and whispered out a ‘bingo!’. “We need to call Harrington and Wheeler.” Billy said, rubbing Chrissy’s back as she laid on his chest. Her mascara and blue eye shadow running down her cheeks. I nodded and walked over to Eddie’s phone. Dialing their numbers and hoping they would answer. 

“Okay.” I hung up the phone and looked over to Billy and Eddie. “They’ll meet us at my place. Tomorrow morning.” Billy nods just as Chrissy begins to groan in her sleep. Slowly opening her eyes she looks around herself and then sighs in relief knowing she was safe. “What’s going on?” She asked, sitting up from Billy’s chest. “I’ll explain later, right now- we’re heading to my place.” Billy said as he helped her stand. “Oh! Wait!” Eddie snaps his fingers again before disappearing to his room. He comes back out after rummaging in his mess with a walkman in his hands. He hands it to Billy. “Incase it happens again, I don’t have Foreigner though.” Billy pats his shoulder and shockingly brings Eddie into a hug. Eddie coughs a bit before patting Billy on the back. “Thanks man. And don’t worry, Max has that song anyways.” Billy said, Chrissy and I share a hug and I remind her to meet us at my place tomorrow, Billy walks over to me and hugs me- we tell each other to be safe. Chrissy and Eddie share a hug and fist bump each other. Cute little dorks those two. Waving the two goodbye I look over to Eddie, his eyes filled with worry and fear. “Do you want to stay at my place tonight?” I asked, Eddie looked over to me and chuckled. “Of course I do, sweetheart.” Packing a bag, a change of clothes, his bathroom items, and a few cassette tapes- he wrote out a note for his uncle. Letting him know he was staying at my place. Wayne was always sweet, the first time I came over to their home- he showed me baby pictures of Eddie, who was groaning and embarrassed beyond belief. Wayne slipped me a copy of baby Eddie wearing sunglasses too big for his head. I have it hanging up in my living room. 

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