Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning


Ip and I had opted for no drinks and an early bedtime because it was still raining and because he was worried about me getting sick. I did actually fall asleep fairly quickly by only allowing myself to think positive thoughts about the upcoming activity. I had been texting Lia and we planned to meet up at eight. Jose wasn't interested in going out this year, and Juan was going to be with his friends, so Ip and I were going to drive alone.

I had told him I'd pay for an Uber but he laughed at me.

"That's not really an option way out here", he had said.

I woke up fairly early and was happy to see the rain had stopped. It was still cloudy but at least it wouldn't be muddy.

I planned to help Ip with all of his chores, then shower after supper and start getting ready at that point.

I got dressed in jeans, black Converse, and a green t-shirt, pulled my hair into a ponytail, then helped Carmella with breakfast.

I was setting the table when Ip walked in. His face lit up when he saw me and he gave me his perfect grin. I felt my heart rate increase as I smiled back.

"You're up early", he commented.

"You made me go to bed early", I said. "What did you expect to happen?"

"I expected you to sleep in and get some extra rest so you're not tired for tonight".

"I'll be fine", I said.

"Hey", he said, catching my wrist as I turned to head back into the  kitchen.

I looked up at him. He seemed a little concerned.

"I'm not trying to boss you around, but I would feel a lot better if you stayed in this morning. It's still damp and cold. I don't want you getting worn out or sick. I really want to have fun with you tonight. Please?"

My immediate response was to snap at him that I wasn't a child but something in the way he asked made me bite my tongue.

"Fine", I agreed. "I can make some calls instead. I'm going to get antsy sitting around all day, though".

"Just until lunch time", he said, blue eyes holding mine. "You can help after lunch".


"Thank you", he said, relief washing over his face and his perfect grin back in place. He quickly kissed my forehead then released my wrist and sat at the table.

Carmella gave me a knowing smile as I walked past her coming out of the kitchen.


Rev woke up and tried calling Paige immediately after hitting the toilet. He hadn't tried her at all yesterday. Not only was he too busy coming up with a plan then briefing his team, Clint, and the local Captain, but he didn't feel like he could emotionally handle Paige yesterday if he wanted to focus on the mission.

She answered immediately, which was a good sign.

"Love", he said, shutting his eyes and taking a breath.

"Hey, Rev".

"How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm okay. Are you?"

"Yeah, love. I'm all right, ain't I?"

"I figured you would be busy yesterday and today. You set for tonight?"

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