Chapter Two

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Seven Weeks Ago...

I was getting ready to head out for three shows back to back in Vegas. After the last one, Brad and I would spend an additional day alone in Vegas before flying home for a whopping two weeks off. The guys were all pumped for a break, as well.

Victor was nagging at me about some weirdo posting threats on our band's social media pages as I packed for this trip in my adorable Tennessee cottage. Vic was the head of my security team and my personal shadow, originally assigned to me by Rev, and even though I paid him, he reported to Brad first, Rev second, never me. Victor was a mighty action figure of a man with dark hair, dark eyes, and a short dark beard and mustache. He was completely socially awkward. He didn't give any fucks about anyone's opinion, and would do whatever it took to have things be the way he thought they should be.

"It will be fine, Vic", I sighed. "He's not the first and he won't be the last. I have confidence in you and your team. You know what he looks like, right?"

"Yeah, we do", Tommy piped up, "and we're circulating his picture to everyone working the event, from the vendors to owners to ticket sales, and every member of security. We need you to take a look and we need you to take this seriously".

"Fine", I said, stopping what I was doing. Vic grated on my nerves and was always overreacting as far as I was concerned, but if my Tommy Boy asked me to do something, I'd do it. There were few people on earth I could say that about. Rev, Brad, my brother, Steve, and Tommy...and of those, I only ever honor Rev's and Tommy's requests without a fight.

I scanned the picture on the laptop Tommy was holding. It was a man in his late twenties, scruffy face, wild brown hair, hipster clothes, and a large silver cross around his neck. Apparently his issues with me had something to do with the sexual nature of my shows, and he was demanding I wear more clothes and stop shaking my ass. Vic said he was under the delusion that I was his girlfriend and that I was disrespecting him by how I performed. Clearly, a nut job.

"Looks like someone who's wanted for driving off without paying for his gas", I joked.

"Paige, please", Tommy said. "He's threatened to kill you".

"Let him try", I said. "I don't threaten".

Tommy glanced up at Vic, his pale baby face worried.

I patted Tommy's smooth cheek. "Everything will be fine", I assured him. "You've blocked him from being able to post, right?"

"Yes, but I'm worried that might actually drive him to do something desperate", Tommy said.

"Good", I reasoned. "If he tries something, we can actually press charges. Go pack".

Tommy's worried dark blue eyes studied mine for a moment before he nodded and left my room. Over eight years of success and Tommy still stayed in the spare room at the tiny cottage Brad had bought me. We took comfort from each other. Tommy was mostly single and I hadn't seen Rev for months. Before that, it was about once every other month, and Brad hardly ever came to Tennessee anymore, not since Charlie was born three years ago.

I knew Tommy, Jake, and I were in this business for the long haul. We couldn't envision doing anything other than making music or performing. Sam was close to being done and all of us knew it. He and his wife had put having a family on hold so Sam could pursue music, but they were now unofficially trying. As soon as Heather got pregnant, we would be finding a new drummer, or maybe before that if her getting pregnant took too long. Clay was a variable none of us knew about. I don't think he was even sure himself. I think he enjoyed what we were doing but also wanted to settle down. He hadn't met the right woman to do that with, though, and he didn't want to quit until he did...but it was really difficult to date while we were on the road forty or more weeks a year. So, he continued to be suspended in a limbo of uncertainty.

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