"Let me go with you then. Please?" He leans his forehead on mine.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Ok fine..." I kiss him going into the closet as I change into jeans. I slip off my shirt and look at the fresh pink scar on my side. It's healed really well but it's still just a little noticeable. I run my fingers over the scar and put on a clean shirt.

I walk out of the closet to find Ray masking my bed. This man is a gift from the gods.

"Hey...ready?" He turns smiling wrapping his arms around me.

"You made my bed?" He hums "and you folded my clothes" he hums again. "Thank you" I kiss him and he smiles against my lips. And cups my face pulling me deeper into this moment.

I pull away with a smile. I'm just so lucky. Can he be more perfect? "Let's get going before it gets dark." He gives me another kiss and we go out cindy and Brady are talking in the living room and Pearl is cuddling with Dimitri.

Cindy whisper yells to Brady something and he clears his throat. "I'm glad your okay Lilly" Brady mumbles.

"Awwww thanks brady bear" I smile at him. He just rolls his eyes.

"I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow morning" I tell the girls as I wave bye.


Ray and I are on a smaller version of the strong heart ship. Flying through the air. "So how do we get there?" I shift in my seat looking at Ray who's flying the ship.

"I'm glad you asked...hold on" he smiles at me as he clicks some buttons. A portal appears and we zoom through we're traveling in this dark portal then bam. We're at Zandite. Ray parks the ship by the front gate and I hop out.

"Hey Princess Lilly. Welcome back" William a guard smiled at me opening the gate. Ray comes out putting his arm over my shoulders and we walked inside. The second the doors were opened im squished.

Rose, I meant grandma hug me a little tight. "Hey guys"

"Oh honey are you okay" she pets my hair. "I heard about the attack at Alfea oh I was so worried"

"I'm fine I promise grandma." I laugh a little as I pull away.

"How are you doing Raymond" Edward. Uh grandpa asks. As they shake hands.

"I'm doing well sir thank you....how are you your majesty?"

He chuckles "I'm doing fine enough....this witches business is causing unwanted stress" he groaned.

"Oh come you two must be hungry!" She walks down the ball with me.

At dinner after eating too much because grandma said I looked too skinny. We are all sitting in the drawing room. Apparently that's real. Grandpa was reading someone.

"What's that Gramps?" I ask turning to face him.

"It's the plan to attack the witches" he sighs. "All the kingdoms are trying to merge armies to battle them but some refuse because they want to protect themselves." He pinches the bridge of his nose and let's out a sigh. "They want to send the specialists and fairies but you guys aren't trained for wars and your just so young" grandma hugs him from behind.

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