Part 10

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The Indoraptor roars and charges at Owen who also sprints towards the monster. As the indoraptor jumps, Owen slides under it and down the roof. The indoraptor changes course and tries to grab Owen. However, the glass underneath it breaks, creating a big hole for the monster to fall through. 

Owen grunts as he falls off the roof. The raptor snarls as it clings to a large metal pole. For a few seconds, it dangles from the roof with one hand. But my hope is spat out when it pulls itself back onto the roof. 

"Fuck." I mutter.

The indoraptor turns toward Owen and snarls threateningly. Owen stands there in fear. 

I hear a familiar hiss and turn to see Blue on a different part of the roof. She snarls at the indoraptor and jumps from her roof over to where the hybrid stands. The extra weight causes the metal beam to break and fall. 

Both animals fall into the room below. Blue still bites and scratches the hybrid on the way down. I don't see what happened. Everything goes silent for a second. I hold my breath praying for Blue. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, I hear a familiar triumphant screech. 

I exhale in relief knowing Blue is okay. 

Owen, Maisie, and I all look at each other, each of us glad it's finally over. Owen rushes over and helps Maisie down. I toss the gun away and begin climbing down the ladder. I slip on one of the rungs as the pain spreads up my leg. "Gah!" I shout as I fall backward. 

Thankfully Owen is there to catch me. He helps me to the ground and we all make our way over to the hole. I glance down and see the indoraptor impaled on the Agujaceratops skull. The monster doesn't twitch or move at all meaning it's really over. I lean against Owen for support as we all stand in the rain thinking about what to do next. 

I hear the elevator chime and glance to see Zia, Claire, and Franklin walk into the room. "What the hell?" Zia asks when she sees the Indoraptor. The three of them walk towards it. 

"Hey!" Owen shouts. 

They all look up at us on the roof, relief written on their faces. "Hey!" Franklin shouts back. I lift my hand for a short wave that Claire returns. "You good?" Franklin asks. 

Owen nods his head while looking around at the destruction. "Yeah." He says sarcastically, "You?"

"Nope!" Franklin responds with wide eyes as his smile falls. 

"Hey, we got a problem downstairs. We need you to come see this." Zia shouts. 


An alarm blares in our ears as we reach the sub-level where the dinosaurs are kept. The dinosaurs roar and bang against the bar keeping them in place. I limp to the window and look through at the fire and gas seeping into the cages. 

"They're all dying." I whisper. I look behind me at Owen, Claire, Zia, Franklin, and Maisie. All of them wear the same somber expression. 

"The blast damaged the ventilation system. We did everything we could." Claire explains. 

I look down at the control panel and notice some buttons. "I can open the gates from here." I say and begin pushing buttons. 

"Y/n. Be careful." Owen says, "We're not on an island anymore." 

I click through each cage, unlocking all of them. I watch as all the dinosaurs force their way out of the cages and into the main area. They all rush toward the main door that's still sealed tight. I look at Owen who looks at me with wide eyes. 

I look down at a covered red button labeled open outer doors. I flip the lid and rest my hand above the button. 

"Y/n. You press that button, there is no going back." Owen says. 

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