Part 3

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1st POV: Sierra Nevada Mountains, California

I thank the driver of the cab and close the door behind me, my bag slung over my shoulder. The car peels away from the makeshift driveway and disappears behind the trees. I turn and look at the skeleton of a cabin beginning to come together. Parked next to the cabin in progress, is a large RV Owen and I share until the cabin is complete. 

Not seeing Owen out working on the cabin, I head over to the RV hoping he's inside. The door squeaks as I open it. I walk to the bedroom part of the RV and place my bag on the bed. I breathe deeply, glad that I'm back home. 

I feel a presence behind me and suddenly a pair of hands are placed over my eyes. "Guess who?" a familiar voice asks. 

I roll my eyes and smile fondly. "I have no idea who could possibly be in my RV right now. I should probably call the police." 

Owen chuckles and I grab his hands away from my eyes. I pull them down so they're wrapped around my waist in a hug while I'm still holding his hands. I sigh and lean my head back on his shoulder. 

"Tough day?" He asks. 

"Physically? No. Mentally...." I trail off. 

Owen places a firm kiss on my temple. "Well, you're home now so relax. Have some fun~"

I glance at Owen as he wiggles his eyebrows like a dork. I laugh and shake my head. I push out of his embrace and turn to face him with one eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. "You wanna fuck me and that's the best you could come up with to get me to bed? 'Have some fun' with a dorky wiggle of your eyebrows?" 

Owen smiles, "Did it work?" 

I shake my head as my smile grows a little. I pat his chest right above his heart as I move to walk past him. "No. Better luck next time, Grady." I step past him but I don't make it fall before he's grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me back toward him. He spins me around and plants a fierce kiss on my lips. 

I inhale at the sudden movement but quickly melt into the kiss. I raise my hands and run them through his hair. His arms flex around my back trapping me in place. After a few heated seconds, we pull apart for air. 

Owen flashes his signature smirk. "Was that convincing enough?" 

I laugh and shake my head before glancing out the window. "The sun is still young. While the sun is out we work on the cabin. That's what we agreed on. After the sun goes down, however..." I trail off and give him a quick kiss on the lips, like a promise. I pull out of his embrace and turn to head outside. I hear Owen chuckle before following me out. 

We grab our tools and each get back to work. As the sun moves overhead, we continue to work on the cabin. Occasionally taking breaks to dance to a song on the radio or drink a beer. I'm working on cutting a two-by-four down in length when I hear a car pull up to the cabin. 

"Hey, guys." I hear a familiar voice call.

Owen either ignores it or didn't hear it as he continues hammering on the roof while singing. I continue cutting through the board.

"Owen! y/n!" 

Owen stops hammering and I stop cutting. I hear Owen stop singing as he exhales, "Oh boy". I walk over, standing by the ladder, while Owen puts his hammer away and turns to face Claire. 

"Hi." Claire says shyly, looking between the both of us. 

"Back for more huh?" I ask with a smirk. 

"Can I buy you a beer?" Claire asks. 

"Did you bring 'em or do we gotta go somewhere?" Owen asks as he begins his descent down the ladder. 

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