Part 7

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We stayed in the truck for a few minutes just to be sure that the men on the boat went back to their tasks. Owen climbed out of the truck first then turned to help me down. Franklin jumped out as well followed shortly by Claire. Owen looks at us and holds a finger to his lips as we hear the sound of approaching footsteps. 

We all hold our breath as the footsteps eventually fade away. Owen gestures for us to follow him and we do. My eyes flick from truck to truck trying to find the one with Blue in it. The boat rattles and the floor below our feet shakes. I place a hand on Owen's back to steady myself. 

In a nearby truck we hear a familiar whine sound. I quickly move towards the truck and throw open the curtains. 

Blue is strapped to a table while Zia stands above her with a stethoscope. Zia whips toward us when she hears the curtain open. "Oh my god! You guys are alive!" Zia shouts while taking off her stethoscope. 

Owen holds a finger to his lips to shush her. She immediately understands. I walk over to Blue and stroke her head. 

"Oh, look what they've done to her." I mutter. "It's okay." 

"Who are these assholes?" Zia asks. Her voice low in a whisper. 

"Animal traffickers. Look how they're treating them. They're not gonna take them to a sanctuary, they're gonna sell them." Owen says as he too places his hand on Blue. 

"Not Blue, they need her for something else." Zia explains. 

"Like what?" I ask, glancing up at her. 

"I don't know, but she's... She's hemorrhaging, and I don't have instruments and they want to keep her alive." Zia says. 

Blue thrashes again and whimpers in pain. 

"Hey. Shhh." Owen whispers to Blue as he strokes her head. Blue calms down a bit. "You're all right, you're all right." I admire Owen as he calms her. He cares so deeply for her, as do I. I stroke Blue's neck. 

"Claire, come here. Come on. Put your hand here." Zia waves Claire over. Claire takes Zia's spot and holds the pad on Blue's side. "Steady pressure." Zia instructs. Claire pushes a little harder and Blue thrashes about hissing. 

"Hey. Hey, hey." I whisper. "Shh. It's okay girl." I stroke her head again. 

Zia walks around the table and stands next to me. "I can't take the bullet out without a transfusion from another animal. Which one of you knows how to find a vein?" She asks and looks around. 

"I do." I answer. "I had training on the island in case the animals got hurt."

"Great. Okay." Zia says. She turns and picks up a large blood bag. I let go of Blue and follow her, taking off my jacket in the process. "All of the animals should be sedated." She hands me the bag. I nod as she continues explaining. "Look for any kind of Tetanuran, their blood type should be close enough. Look for carnivores with two or three fingers. No more than three..." Zia trails off. She covers her mouth with her hand. "I think there's one on board."


With the blood bag slung over my shoulder, Owen and I head for the truck with the dinosaur we're looking for. We each grab a handle and pull the door open. The sound of growling and insects buzzing fills my ears. The doors reveal the sleeping t-rex. 

"You've got to be kidding me." I mutter. 

Owen and I jump up quietly into the trailer with the t-rex and shut the doors behind us, leaving them open a crack for us to escape later. Owen steps forward and reaches his hand out slowly. He taps Rexy's nose and we both quickly back away toward the edges of the trailer. 

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