Part 9

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The gravel comes down on the podium. "Sold!" The man shouts. "to the Russian friend." People applaud. 

My gut twists with nerves. "Come on Owen," I mutter. 

Below us, I hear the elevator ding. My eyes widen in surprise when I see the Stygimoloch stumble out of the elevator and ram the closest guard. People jump from their seats and scream. People run around in a panic as the Stygimoloch head butts anyone close enough. Owen also runs out of the elevator and begins fighting the guards. He knocks one out that was going to shoot the dinosaur and begins fighting with another that has an eclectic prod. He manages to knock the guard out and run toward Mills. 

Mills looks pissed as he turns to the guard next to the lever, "Get this thing out of here!" He shouts. The man pulls the lever and the cage begins rolling backward into the house to be shipped. 

Owen rushes toward the lever pushing and punching through the guards coming at him. The Indoraptor follows him from in the cage trying to bite him. Owen knocks the final guy out and pulls the lever. The cage stops and then begins rolling back into the room. The monster growls as Owen breaks the lever by pulling out various wires. 

I grab Maisie's hand and we run from the vent. "Come on." I whisper. 

We meet up with Owen. I pull him into a quick hug. "Jesus you're crazy." I say. 

Owen just smirks. "Come on." He says. We run down the halls until we find an exit door. We're about to go through when a voice shouts. 

"Don't!" We turn around to see Mills and two armed men walking toward us. Owen stands with his arms outstretched in front of Maisie and I. I hold on to Maisie as I stand behind Owen. 

"You two, you deserve each other." Mills sneers. "Maisie, come with me." He says to the girl. 

Owen shakes his head, "You got your money, now walk away." 

"Oh, what are you gonna do, huh?" Mills asks. 

"We're gonna stop this. All of it!" I say, glaring at the man. 

"How? What, are you gonna go back in time before Hammond decided to play God? You were there y/n. You know you can't put it back in the box!" Mills shouts. 

"We have to try." I say. 

"It's too late. Maisie, come." Mills demands. Maisie shakes her head as me and Owen stand around her protecting her. "Oh! So, you're gonna take care of her now? Huh?" Mills says. "You have no idea what she is. What do you think drove Hammond and Lockwood apart, huh? Lockwood never had a grandchild." Owen and I share a look. "He just wanted his daughter back. And he had the technology. He created another. He made her again." Mills explains. 

I jump and gasp as the Indoraptor charges between us taking the two armed men with it. The men's screams echo down the hall. We all jump back in fear. Owen, Maisie, and I turn and take off running into the room. Owen closes the door and I tip a filing cabinet to block the door. 

"Come on!" I shout and we begin running but Maisie was frozen in fear. Owen goes back for her, grabs her hand, and pulls her along. 


We tiptoe quietly through the vast house. Owen opens the door to the mini-museum slowly before gesturing for us to follow. Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes above us as we creep around. Rain echoes on the glass roof. 

In front of us, a guard from the auction lay limp with his gun abandoned. We inch closer until the body is dragged behind the Agujaceratops skull. We all quickly hide on the other side as the Indoraptor sniffs around. My heart hammers in my chest as I listen to the repetitive tapping of the raptor's claw. We inch around the base of the skull as the indoraptor circles it.

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