Part 5

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A short ride through a grassy field and up a small hill later, we part next to a radio building. This is how we'll access the dinosaurs' trackers. "Okay Let's go!" Wheatly shouts. Everyone files out of the trucks towards the looming metal doors.

I follow Franklin over to the covered control panel. I help pry the rusted cover off and Fraklin quickly sets to work plugging in his cords and tapping on the laptop he brought. I step out of the way as Wheatly leans over his shoulder. I step back and stand next to Owen who stares up at the bellowing volcano.

"Come on. You know what you're doin' tiger?" Wheatly questions, growing impatient with the kid.

I look over as Franklin presses a button and the lights turn green. The doors squeak open, their hinges screaming in protest after being forgotten for so long. "After you, tiger," Franklin says and closes the cover.

We all file into the dusty room. Cobwebs decorate every corner and dust blankets every table space.

"Are we sure these biometric chips are still transmitting? Battery would be dead by now." Zia says as Franklin walks around the room plugging in different cords and pushing different buttons.

"The dinosaur is the battery. They're powered by body heat and movement." Claire explains.

Franklin plugs in a final cord to his laptop and opens it. The screen flashes blue while showing a message. Employee Authorization Required.

Franklin snaps his fingers and points to a scanner off to the side. "Hand."

Claire quickly steps over and places her hand on the right spot. The computer beeps a few times as it scans her hand before accepting.

"How much longer till-" Zia begins to ask but she's cut off by the sound of the building powering up. The lights flicker on and the large screen in front of us blinks to life showing a map of the island with a bunch of little dots scattered around.

"There's a rather large concentration on the east dock." I observe.

"That's our boat. We've already captured a bunch of them." Wheatly explains.

"Without the tracking system?" I question and turn towards the man.

He shrugs, "The big herbivores were easy to find. Can you isolate that raptor?" He asks Franklin as he turns to him.

"I need a species code." Franklin says.

"D9." Me and Claire respond at the same time. She gives me a look. I shrug. I don't know why but I haven't forgotten.

Franklin punches in the code and a single red dot appears blinking on the map.

"There she is." Owen says. "We're gonna need to borrow your truck." He continues as he pulls his bag on. I adjust the straps of my own.

"I'm coming with you." Zia speaks up. "We don't know what kind of condition she might be in."

"Miss, things could get hairy out there," Wheatly says trying to dissuade her from coming.

Zia pauses and spins on her heel before striding towards Wheatly. She looks highly offended by the fact he's trying to get her to stay. She walks right up to Wheatly and pulls one of the sedatives out of his vest. "These are powerful sedatives. One too many, and she could have respiratory failure. Also, I'm not as soft and witless as your comment implies." She puts the dart back as me and Owen walk over. She turns to us and pats Owen's shoulder as she walks by, "Let's go, Beefcake."

I smirk at Owen. "Beefcake, why hadn't I thought of that one?"

Owen chuckles and shakes his head.

"Hey, Owen, y/n..." We turn to face Claire after she spoke up, "Be careful okay?"

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