Chapter 15

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Seven days later, Raelyn woke with a start to her phone ringing. She groaned and picked it up, not bothering to see who it was. "Do you realize what time it is?"

"Grouchy much?" Damon.

"It's five a.m. I wanted to sleep."

"Well you can't because Ava is hiding out at Hank's apartment. She's going to strike. The Marshals have noticed him around. Today is the day, Rae. So get up."

"I'm up, I'm up." She grumbled.

"Not a morning person?" His tone held a hint of amusement.

"No, so you better have something for me to eat when I get to his place."

"I will. Promise. Just park a block away."

"Okay. See you soon."



Raelyn grumbled while she got ready, but truly was just as excited as Damon sounded. They were going to catch Ava today. Bring justice.

She pulled into the parking lot of a local gas station a block away from where Hank's apartment was located.

Damon met her halfway between his truck and her car. He held out a donut for her. "Eat."

She took it. "Fill me in while I eat."

"One of the Marshals saw something hiding behind the dumpster in the back of the apartment building three days ago. He checked it out each day and it was Ava. Today she has a backpack with her and a bulge on her shoulder, meaning she has a gun. The Marshals are lying low, making Hank easy to get, but making it easy for us to get to Ava quicker. We evacuated the floors of the apartment. Thankfully it's small and quite empty. We are going in when Ava enters the building. There's a vest for you in my truck. And Hank wasn't exaggerating when he said Ava was a big woman. She's huge. Tall, muscular, broad shouldered, huge."

"No fist fighting then. Check." Raelyn finished off her donut. "I'm going to go get the vest."

When she came back with the vest on and adjusted, Damon sighed. "I would ask you to stay out here and watch, but my question would land on deaf ears."

Raelyn grabbed her gun out of her glove box where she left it the night before. "That would be correct."

"Well then, take this." Damon handed her a tiny earpiece.

She stuffed it in her ear. "Thank you."

"Snappy this morning?"

Raelyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Sorry, it's early, I had a late night, and I'm ready to get this done with. I didn't mean to sound harsh."

"It's all good. I'm ready to be done too. Late night as in memories?" His gaze slid to her.

"One or two. Sometimes they happen even though there isn't a trigger. Probably stress." She shrugged nonchalantly, "It is what it is."

Damon's expression said it was anything but, however he wisely dropped the subject.

"These things on?" Jake's voice was loud and clear in her ear.

"They are now." Holly replied.

"We're clear to move in." Gary's voice was rumbly over the COMMS.

Raelyn nodded to Damon, and the group moved in. "We got a hostage negotiator, just in case?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. Paige Fisher, waiting by the car." Someone she didn't recognize. but trusted nonetheless.

"Awesome. Let's go."

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