The story of two ghost girls.

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Going along the road with weak lighting was not the best idea. Looking around, I have not seen any signs of ghosts in the forest yet, but still a feeling of anxiety and fear did not leave me. My cloak and clothes were completely wet, it was damp and cold. It looks like I will have to get caught a little and it is sad.

Having passed for some time along the road, I stumbled upon a rally. You could go forward, right and left, but where should I go? I decided to go straight.

The feeling that someone is watching me the beginning to grandly fill my thoughts. Most likely this is a ghost that Marchionne mentioned. From this thought, fear began to intensify. After a little more, I stumbled upon the path covered with water. It is interesting how deep is here? Well, I need to check, well, let's go. As soon as I wanted to step on the water, my voice stopped me.

- Wait! You should not go through the water, it is poisoned.

Hearing this, I moved away from the water and looked at the owner of this voice. It was a little girl luminous with a blue aura. She was dressed in a light dress, her left eye was a little covered with bangs, but it was clear that her eyes were not in place.

I looked at the water again and decided to listen to the girl. I went to the girl and knelt down to be with her of the same eye level. Now I could look better. Her left eye was not valid, it was just a hole. Poorly, it seems she has been suffering here for a long time.

- Thank you for warning me about the water. I really did not know that she was poisoned. What is your name?

The girl nodded and looked me with a shy look. The bangs tried to cover this look, but it did not work.

- My name is Ted. I just walked here and looked for my sister.

I cast a concerned look at her. So she is not alone here, but with her sister.

- What happened to your eye? This is not like a simple unhappy service.

Ted simply turned her eyes to the side. It seems to be painful to talk about it. I think I'll better change the topic. I looked at her hands and saw that Ted was holding a bandage. It looks like she wanted to tie her to her eye. I held out my hands and took a bandage from Ted's hands.

- Let's bandage your eye. Stop quietly and do not move.

Ted did as she was told. I wrapped a bandage around her head so that she covered her left eye. Gently removing the bangs of Ted by the ear, I straightened the bandage to make sure that she was sitting well there.

- Here you go. Now you will not have problems with the hole in the eye.

Ted ran a hand over the bandage. She looked at me and smiled gently. I answered her smile. After she ran away to the bush and began to look for something. I looked at her with misunderstanding in my eyes.

- What are you doing, Ted? What are you looking for?

For a while she was looking for and then left the bushes with something in her hands. She came closer and I could see what it was. It was a bluish-blue flower with a white grinder. Ted handed it to me to understand that I took him. I smiled at her and took the flower in my hands.

- Now you can walk on the water, not afraid to poison. The flower will protect you from the poison.

I decided to check it. Approaching the water, I put my leg into the water. Nothing happened. It looks like it really works. I turned to Ted and smiled.

- Thank you, Ted. I owe you.

She nodded and disappeared. I went on the water and in the distance I saw something. I hurried to this subject and saw what it was. These were three blue eyes. I took them and went on. I knew what I could use one of my eyes.

After a little more, I heard someone approaching. Looking in the forward, I saw the girl shining with red aura. I realized that this is not good. I looked at her face and realized that she had no eye.

- Give me my eyes!

I wanted to run away, but the body was constrained by cold. I could not chew. Having prepared for the fact that we should happen, we were interrupted by a familiar voice.

- Norma, wait! She has your eyes!

I opened my eyes and saw Ted I protect me. A girl named Norma stopped and looked at me. I took out my eyes to which I found and handed it out. Norma came closer and with a gesture pointed to the eyes. I realized that she was asking for help with her eyes. I sat on the level of her eyes.

- Stop quietly and do not move.

Norma did so. I carefully took one eye and inserted it into the puzzle. I also acted with another. Norma blinked and examined for some time. It looks like she got used to new eyes. Norma turned to me and smile. Her aura gave way to blue. I smiled at the mind and turned to Ted.

- It's your turn, Ted.

She came up and removed the bandage from her eyes. I removed her bangs and inserted her eyes to his law. Ted touched her eye and turned to normal. They ran to each other and hugged. Walking this scene, a couple of tears from my eyes rolled up. Ted and Norma turned to me still smiling.

- You are so kind, thanks! We don't even know how to thank you.

- Can't tell me whether it is close to the town or not?

They looked at each other, thought a little and nodded.

- Here, just continue to go forward and you will find it.

Having said this, they smiled for the last time and disappeared. The bandage that the Ted gave me I hid in the bag. Having taken the lamp in my hands, I already wanted to continue the way, but my eye attracted a small radiance in place where Ted and Norma used to stand. I went to the radiance and picked up. It was a memory.


- Ted, let's go faster, we will not have time to play before the arrival of our parents!

- Norma, more precisely, I do not keep up with you!

- Come on, a little more left!

- Wait, Norma! We were forbidden to go to this forest.

- Oh, come on, Ted. What can happen to us here?

- ... it seems I heard a growl .... I don't like it.

- Oh no. Run!

- No no! Norma, do not leave me here! Please!

- Ted, I'm sorry!

End of flashback:

It seems that Norma, left her sister and she ran away. But she did not have time to hide and fell under the teeth of the wolves. A sad memory. At least now they can rest with peace. Having taken this note, I raised the lamp and went on.

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