The battle with King Bowser.

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Coming out of the castle with a hammer on my shoulders. I, Uncle Luigi and Lucy began to walk towards Bowser's castle. We found a shortcut along which we stumbled upon a lot of creatures and Bowser's minions. Having fought them off, we eventually reached the castle, but an unpleasant surprise awaited us. Looks like Bowser knew we were coming and lined up a whole army of his minions near the castle. Realizing how we got stuck, we began to think about how to break into the castle.

- I think I know what will help us.

Looks like Uncle Luigi has a plan. Lucy and I looked at him with incomprehension, but when he pointed up, we understood what Uncle Luigi meant. Power blocks.

- Yes, it can work! Okay, Uncle Luigi, Lucy you take first, I'm after.

Nodding, they stood under the blocks and jumped to hit them. Lucy got a tanuki leaf. Her tanuki was a fox, apparently inherited from her father. Uncle Luigi was given a fire flower, which caused his clothes to change colors upon activation. His cap and sweater turned white, and his overalls turned green. From the hands began to flow green fire.

- Yes, it's better now you, Mira.

Standing under the block and hitting it, bifurcation cherries fell out to me. I sat them down and my clone appeared next to me.

- Good! Now let's hang out!!

Having given our clone a spare hammer from our pocket, we began to run into the crowd and beat them. Lucy flew through the air and hit the creatures with her arms, legs, and head. Uncle Luigi fought with his fists and legs and sent out small fireballs. The clone and I were sending out force waves since our hammers were big and big enough to make one or two waves at a time. An hour passed like this, and Bowser's servants kept advancing and advancing. There was no end in sight for them. This had to be finished quickly, otherwise we would be late with the rescue of mom and brother. Looking up somewhere, I noticed another power block. Hanging down with mine, I pointed to the block in the air. They understood what I was up to and nodding began to cover me. The clone of me made another wave, from which I was thrown up in the air. Lucy caught me and spun me in the air and threw me into a power block. By tapping on it, a star fell out to me and activated. Well, now we can play!

Loosing a hammer, I began to fly ahead of all the servants of Bowser. Salating everything in their way and clearing the way from creatures so that others can go. I had a break with the last I, Uncle Luigi and Lucy ran to the castle to finish off the escaped. Having reached the main hall, we knocked out the door.


Shouting from rage and anger, I attracted Bowser's attention. Turning to us facing us, he raised himself.

- Well, well, see who is here. A splinter in my tail and her servants. It's time to put an end to you once and for all! And as soon as I do this, I will become the new king of the Mushroom Kingdom !! Hahaha !!!

Nodding to Uncle Luigi and Lucy, I began to approach Bowser.

- This is only between me and you. Only you and me, Bowser! Finish it here and now !!

Having prepared the hammer, I began to wait for the opponent's side. Behind the walls of the castle, a noise was off, it seems my clone did not spare anyone. And as soon as a small stone fell into a lava and raised a pillar of fire and a Bowser, as a signal, rushed to each other. I can't say who the first hit, but both of us got that well. We fought seemed for hours, but still got up. Seeing that Uncle Luigi and Lucy freed my brother and my mother realized that it was time to finish these games. Having run behind Bowser's back and grabbing his tail, I began to rotate it in a circle. Removing the last circle, I threw it into the wall why he crashed into it so much that the castle shook and he began to collapse.

- It is necessary to remove from this! RIGHT NOW!!

The nodding all began to run out of the castle so as not to be under the stones.

Having run out of the castle that by that time collapsed, we began to put ourselves in order and inspect each other for injuries. The first who spoke was Uncle Luigi.

- All here? No one is wounded?

Everyone shook their heads. It's good that everything is intact and someone was not injured ... at least I thought that everything was fine ...

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