Antonio: I thought the animals might be lonely.
Mirabel: I'm never having a debate with Camilo again. He literally started his argument with "Riddle me this."
Abuela: It's impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.

Camilo: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without using the specific letter. Here's one more to further disprove your theory.

Isabela: Fuck you.
Isabela: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Camilo: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.

Pepa: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Abuela: What do we call breaking the law?

Camilo: A hobby

Abuela: *crossing her arms*

Camilo: That I do not engage in.
Pepa: It's not going to work. I'm not a snitch.

Cop: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with.

Pepa: Lmao, @Bruno
Luisa: Stressed

Dolores: Depressed

Camilo: Possessed

Mirabel: Obsessed

Isabela: Impressed

Agustin: Chicken breast


Agustin: I just wanted to join in.
Camilo: I failed my safety training course today.

Pepa: Why, what happened?

Camilo: Well one of the questions was 'In case of a fire, what steps would you take?'

Pepa: And?

Camilo: Well apparently "FUCKING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer.
Mirabel: This is getting embarrassing.

Camilo: Getting? We're already there!
Dolores: Blackmale is such an ugly word, I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Camilo: Change is inedible.

Mirabel: Don't you mean 'inevitable'?

Camilo, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Mirabel: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing their name to Isabela.
Isabela: Camilo! Have you no dignity?

Camilo: Of course not! How long have we known each other?
Mirabel: Why isn't the statue smirking at me?

Juleita: It's not smirking at anyone, they're all just imagining it.

Pepa: Three of us saw it Juleita. How do you explain that?

Juleita: *Points to Bruno* Sleep deprivation. *Points to Pepa* Paranoia. *Points to Isabela* Delusional personality disorder.

Juleita: It's called a cauliflower, not a ghost broccoli.

Bruno, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Mirabel: Even Isabela and I have been getting closer. The other day she gave me half of her sandwich.

Isabela: I mistook her for a garbage can.

Antonio: "29-34, give a particular ecosystem and explain how it could be protected." Help.

Camilo: Forests, stop cutting down trees and don't hold gender reveal parties anywhere near them.

Camilo: You can do it Mirabel. But if you can't, at least your death will be quick, painless, and really cool to watch.
Alma: You might not know this, Mirabel, but I am a flawed person.

Mirabel: I do know that.
Antonio: Anyone got any crayons so I can color in my PH.D?
Bruno: What's up? I'm back.

Pepa: I litterly saw you die. You dead. You were dead.

Bruno: Death is a social construct.
Mariano: Where's Agustin?

Alma: Don't worry, I'll find him. FELIX SUCKS!

Agustin: Felix is the best person ever! Fuck you!

Alma: Found him.
Pepa: What the hell were you thinking?

Bruno: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic.

Pepa: You released OSTRICHES!
Camilo: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Bruno: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around and deserted me!

Pepa: But did I make you cry?

Bruno: *starts crying on the spot*

Pepa: Shit.

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