Chapter 8

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It's been a week after that.
I've been miserable. I'm having headaches, I get nightmares of people looking at me, and most of all I'm in pain both physically and mentally.

Becky has been with me all this time. And she's been trying to get me out of home and today, she has ordered me to go shopping with her to the mall. And I have no choice.

After 5 hours, she got lots of dresses to add to her closet-room.
I just got one dress that caught my eye.
It was so beautiful I can't put it away. So I took it.

Suddenly my head started hurting painfully. I ran out the store to a more quieter place. I slide down a wall in the alley and held my head whimpering when every pain wave hit. Tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably and it was getting worse every minute.

It had been 2 hours, and it still hasn't stopped. My legs are shaking. My eyelids were getting heavier, my body got weaker, blood oozed out of my nose. My outfit was dirty. Suddenly there was bright light and then a pair of arms lifted me up but something pulled me down, then something was yanked out of my neck and I was moving. I was placed on a seat and it felt warmer, I didn't know I was cold until now, there was a sheet placed on me. The scent so familiar though. After a minute my whole body gave up and I fell into darkness.

Damian's POV:

Our love was just a bet?!
Hell no! It was more than that. It was a beautiful dream.

I have been miserable. After I broke up with Anya.....everything's been so bad with me.
I was angry. I WAS MAD! but in the end this wasn't her fault. It was mine. I broke her heart.

She opened up to me.

How would a person be bold enough to her boyfriend that she was an orphan, a lab experiment without hurt. She had her reasons and as her I boyfriend I should've respected that. I should've hugged her and told her that it was okay and I was glad she opened up. But I didn't.

I was fucking stuck inside my head. I felt bad for lying to her in the first place. I had a crush on her from wayy back, when she first punched me right across my face. I had fallen for her long ago. I regret what I did. I wanted to talk to her but I was afraid that my pride would fall. But when Becky told me I was the first person Anya trusted in telling because she truly loves me, I gave up my pride. I wanted her back. So I started planning a date like to apologize to her.

It's past 5 now and I just finished planning for my apology date with Anya. I go down to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee. I sat by the window and looked at the sky. Hopefully everything goes w-

My thoughts were cut off when my phone started buzzing. It was Becky. I accept and before I could place it near my ear, I hear her sobbing.

"Blackbell! What's wrong?!" I asked her wondering if everything was alright.
"Desmond... Anya...Anya she.. Please come to the mall Damian. Right away. Please!" she was sobbing and yelling. I chug my coffee and grab my keys.

I hope Anya is fine. I drove to the mall and saw Becky in the middle of her gaurd circle.
"Blackbell!" I called out running.
"Damian!" she squeezed out and stumbled towards me.
"what happend here? Where's Anya?" I asked concerned.
"she... She started running outside the mall. Her nose was bleeding. But before I could catch up, she ran away. We've been searching for her for 2 hours! She's no where near here." she started sobbing and fell to the ground.

I stood like a dead statue. All the colors inside me faded away. My Anya is gone. No.... No.. She isn't gone. She is missing. And we have to find her!

I get on my car and start searching for her on every alley. Every. Single. One. I stop at one of the alley. It was too narrow. So I stepped out and went inside the dark path.
I put on my flashlight and walk straight ahead. And then I felt my soul leave my body.

There was a pool of blood.

I don't want to believe that she's been taken away. Or she ran away, but she wouldn't have run away because if she did there would be a trace of blood given the amount of blood she's lost. But wait. We don't know if it's her  blood yet.

I look around with my flash. And then it hit like a ton of bricks on my head. Her necklace was there. It's been covered in blood all along. Tears flow out uncontrollably down my cheek. That necklace, I gave it to her. It has a small glass piece inside which Anya's favorite OUR picture was printed. She would never take it off. She promised she would never.

I take it and drive out of there. They shouldn't be far. I called one of my gaurds to check on every cctv near this area. Any unusual cars. I drove back to the mall where Becky was.

"Damian! Please tell me you found her! Please! Please! Please!" she begged sobbing and hitting my chest.
"No. We haven't found her yet. I assume someone must've taken her. No I'm sure someone has taken her." I said controlling my tears. She stopped hitting me and leaned on my chest still sobbing.

....(Time skip brought to you by Anya's kawaii)....

It's been 9 hours since we lost her. And no clue on where to find her. We informed Anya's parents. All of us are sitting in Becky's living room. We're thinking of every possible way.

"Fuck this. I'm using my sources. I don't know if I'm eligible for it but I'm gonna go for it." Mr. Forger said running out.
"I'll ask my brother if he's of any help." Mrs.Forger said.
And me and Becky are left with nothing. I've asked my personal secretary and gaurds to look for Anya without grabbing attention of the media or people. Becky has done the same.

After hours we still had nothing. Becky passed out in the couch. I asked her boyfriend come. She needs him more than others. Anya needs me.

FUCK! how did I let this happen? It's all my fault. My fucking fault. She came to me when she needed me the most! I grip on the chair, I couldn't do anything else now. I'm useless. Shit! Shit! I let the tears roll down, I was mad at myself for letting her go that day. Furiously, I grabbed the nearest vase and threw it at the wall. It shattered into tiny pieces just like how my heart is right now.

I sigh and lean back. Suddenly I felt a pair of warm arms engulf me. I opened my eyes to look at Mrs. Forger, she shushed me.
"we'll find her Damian." she said in a calming voice.
"it's my fault. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't let her down that day. This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I hiccuped while she held me.

"it's okay Damian. I understand. We'll find her. It's okay. Shh." she stroke my hair. I realized I've never had this sort of affection from anyone. Not even from my family. I felt lighter than before. My body relaxed a bit. My eyes got heavier. I felt something soft on my forehead before my eyes shut completely.

[ANYA X DAMIAN] Unseen Love. (spy x family) Where stories live. Discover now