"Yeah yeah sure go, I don't want you to fall behind".

"See you later, hope you feel better," Emery said, leaving as she kissed him on the forehead.


Emery got to the cafeteria, finding not many people there. Most people were still in bed, her friends and most older Dauntless; and thankfully Eric also seemed to have had a lie-in. But Four was sitting in his usual spot, catching her eye as she entered the room.

She quickly jogged over. He raised his head and watched her, the corners of his mouth slightly turned upwards. 

"You OK?" He asked

"Yeah I'm OK, I went to go see Al".

"I figured. How is he?"

"He's OK, he wants to come out today. But I told him it wasn't a good idea".

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure he will be out and running soon" Four comforted, seeing that Emery was a little worried, the thing is with this place if you fall behind it's almost impossible to catch up. While she was deep in thought, Four smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. 

He usually didn't show emotion, he didn't comfort any other Initiates. But he seemed more comfortable around her, only just. 

She couldn't help but blush a little. It made her stomach flutter a little bit and her skin burn hot, she swallowed a lump in her throat as she looked at his hand on her. It felt like he trusted her, and she trusted him. 

No. A voice in her head screamed. With that thought, Tori's voice echoed. Don't trust anyone

Impulsively, Emery shuddered a little, smiling weakly back at Four.  

"Hey," Will said sitting down opposite her, followed by Christina and Uriah. Fours hand quickly jumped off her shoulder and retreated back to himself where he crossed his arms over. 

Will smirked a little but didn't let it show too much. They had seen Four and her, and knowing Four, she knew he was not happy about it. 

"Did you go see Al?" Christina asked.

"Yeah he's OK, still smiling which is the best thing".

"You Stiffs, so soft," Uriah said, playfully shaking his head. Without looking, Emery smacked him over the head as she smiled. 

"Did you see Eric this morning?" Christina asked

"No why?"

"Apparently he was asking for you when we got up this morning, he was with Four when they woke us up, he checked in the Pit but you weren't there. He wanted to talk with you."

"You're in trouble Em," Uriah said smirking, she kicked him playfully this time.


"What happened after we left last night?" Will asked. 

Emery's heart began thumping faster. She coughed nervously as her eyes flashed over to Four. She didn't want him to scorn her. 

"Oh nothing, well..." Emery said, gritting her teeth as she convinced herself it wasn't as bad as she thought. "I slapped him," She said finally, avoiding their eye contact. 

Four choked on his drink.

"You slapped Eric?" Four asked. 

She readied herself for a lecture, but no. He just snickered a little and nodded his head. 

See that's why I liked him, she thought. 

"You slapped him? What are you suicidal or something?" Uriah hissed.

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