The day they met he was just wandering on his own with a hood over his head to hide his face, his back covered by an old backpack filled with books for his schooling. He was weak, tired, and hungry. He hadn't had any food that day, and was just rationing what food he did have home. He couldn't think of what to do about food for the next few days as he did not have enough money to purchase more for the week. But as he turns a corner down an alley to reach his broken down home, he hears the quick breaths of a young girl a few years younger than him, running for her life. Her eyes large and sparkling in purple like colors with pale skin, a petite frame. She was skinny and small but quick on her feet. He heard a man yelling from the direction she ran from with a belt in hand.

"Come back here you brat!"

Xie Lian stops him with a small slip of his foot. The man doesn't see him, and immediately trips over the tip of his foot as he quickly takes off out of sight to avoid being caught. He works his away around the back alleys of the area, and manages to reach to his home. A broken down apartment that barley had much for him to use inside. He owned no other types of furniture besides a table, a fridge, and a bed that rested on a simple board on the floor. It was not much, but it did good for him. He wasn't paying too much for rent, and he had enough money to get by just to keep the roof over his head and a bit of food in his stomach. There were times where he wouldn't have either because he struggled to get any money due to his age, and appearance. Compared to his days as an idol, his appearance was less than what it used to be. He used to wear clothing from the most expensive brands, jewelry that would cost thousands, and accessories that were worth far more than the building he was living in. But now he was reduced to just a few pieces of clothing that he himself had to wash on his own. Sew on his own. And stretch out on his own. There was no other way for him to get other luxuries such as clothing.

As he stands there in the middle of his home he sighs lightly. He could feel the eyes of someone staring at him. He was used to it, but now it was becoming to be a bit of an annoyance.

"I know you're there. You're free to come inside. The door isn't locked."

The little girl that he spotted running for her life, slowly opens the door.


Her small head peaks through the small gap between the frame and door as she stares at the back of the young man.

"Um...I-I saw...what you did for me...."

Xie Lian turns to her with a small smile.

"I understand the hardships you're going through, so it's only natural to help someone who is just trying to survive. Tell me what's your name...?"

The little girl shrinks back a bit, but then she steps inside allowing the door to close behind her.

"Ban Yue."

Xie Lian smiles softly.

"How lovely, would you like to eat?"

The girl's eyes light up like stars as she nods her head vigorously.

Ever since then he would feed the little girl as often as he could, or he would allow her to stay in his home until one day she stopped coming to see him. He never knew as to what had happened to her nor was he able to stay long in the area to find out.

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