type of boyfriend they are | maknae line

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is the type of boyfriend:

– to pull the puppy eyes whenever he wants something / to stare into your eyes until you give him whatever he wants

– who is cuddly and affectionate most of the time

– who loves it when you play with his hair

– who follows you around the house for kisses

– to get along with your siblings very well (or your parents if you don't have any siblings) and play with them if they're younger

– whose eyes always sparkle and shine when he talks about you


is the type of boyfriend:

– to rub your faces together or play around with your fingers to get some attention

– who randomly puts his hands on your knees or thighs when you sit next to each other

– who lets his actions speak instead of him in certain situations

– who stays in with you when you don't feel like going out at all

– to open every door for you then put his palm on your back when you go first

– who lets you wear his accessories


is the type of boyfriend:

– to wake up earlier and bring coffee and breakfast to you

– who gets all shy when you compliment him

– to take photos of you in the most random moments, which makes them count

– who takes you on pinterest inspired dates

– who makes you feel like your life is a movie whenever you're with him

–to read with your head on his lap

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