how he changes around you | all members

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He becomes more quiet and less talkative. He still has a lot of thoughts but he pays attention to you instead and tries to note and admire every single detail of you in his head instead of talking or joking around. He doesn't become less funny and he still laughs a lot but he also lets you come out of your shell and makes you feel seen.


He laughs more when he's with you. He lets go of his feelings and he fully enjoys your company not only when there's happiness and laughter but when there are tears too. He opens up easily around you and talks more about how he sees the world and all the people around him. He's not afraid to use some sarcasm on you because he knows you understand it and him well.


He becomes clumsy and drops things on the ground randomly when he's around you. Sometimes he can't stop laughing and sometimes he's dead serious depending on the situation that you two are in. He normally doesn't like hugs but with you, sometimes he even initiates one or two if he's in the mood.


He becomes even more energetic and sometimes fails to concentrate on important stuff. He gives you the puppy eyes more often than usual and he can't stop playing with his hair, sometimes also your hair. He randomly bursts out singing or rapping a song you probably never heard about.


He's more confident in himself and braver with you by his side. He starts to learn that he's important to you and so he starts to believe in himself more. He knows you're always there to cheer him on which gives him strenght to fully use his talent and potential. He also shares his french fries with you even though usually he likes to keep them to himself.


He lets his more playful and less serious side show. Even though he's not always comfortable around a lot of people he feels like he can finally open up and talk to you about everything that interests him without being afraid of judgement. He becomes more social and always wants to see you.

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