when you hurt yourself while dancing | all members

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- rushes to you immediately, once he sees you falling on your face- gives you that expression^^^- surprised Keeho noises- doesn't believe you when you say you're fine - I wouldn't either, are you okay tho?- panic mode on- holds your face and keeps...

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- rushes to you immediately, once he sees you falling on your face
- gives you that expression^^^
- surprised Keeho noises
- doesn't believe you when you say you're fine
- I wouldn't either, are you okay tho?
- panic mode on
- holds your face and keeps asking where does it hurt
- tries dragging you to the hospital but you refuse, so he just goes to find you a nurse somewhere
- there were some smaller bruises but don't worry, you didn't break a bone


- you have to stop dancing because you accidentally punched your own chin while making a big move with your arm- he doesn't make a big deal out of it, at least he's not very vocal about it- pulls you closer to him and caresses your chin- after tha...

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- you have to stop dancing because you accidentally punched your own chin while making a big move with your arm
- he doesn't make a big deal out of it, at least he's not very vocal about it
- pulls you closer to him and caresses your chin
- after that he observes your face and makes sure you're not that hurt anymore
- if you're able to continue, you both start dancing again, otherwise he walks you home and tells you to put something frozen on your chin
- buys you ice cream


- you fall on your knees because you slipped on something(probably sweat on the floor)- surprised boy 2

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- you fall on your knees because you slipped on something(probably sweat on the floor)
- surprised boy 2.0
- screams loudly(like Jiung level of loud)
- you feel embarrassed so he hugs you and tells you that this happens to him a lot too(actually it doesn't, he's just trying to make you feel better)
- doesn't let you continue, instead he waits for you to change clothes and goes to your house with you to make sure you get there safely
- you guys take the bus so you won't have to walk and use your knees that much


- this boy's got some strong reflexes- remember what he said about his little shows in the shower?- he would 100% catch you before you could even land on the ground and would make it look like another cool dance move- k-drama material I'm telling ...

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- this boy's got some strong reflexes
- remember what he said about his little shows in the shower?
- he would 100% catch you before you could even land on the ground and would make it look like another cool dance move
- k-drama material I'm telling you
- yeah, until he loses his balance and falls on you
- complete chaos, but somehow you still manage to get out of the situation without actually getting hurt, congrats
- he can't stop smiling after the incident


- he tries to teach you some new moves he just mastered- well it doesn't go so well- you try to do it for like the 100th time that day, but this time with more power, which causes you to lightly sprain your ankle - he sees you falling from the dis...

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- he tries to teach you some new moves he just mastered
- well it doesn't go so well
- you try to do it for like the 100th time that day, but this time with more power, which causes you to lightly sprain your ankle
- he sees you falling from the distance so he just smiles to himself about how cute you look but immediately rushes over, when he notices that you're struggling to stand up
- he feels like it's his fault so he gets you some ice and puts it on your ankle
- takes really good care of you


- nothing serious, but you two stop dancing when you hear a loud crack coming from your back- nobody knows what happened but your back hurts from the movements- he calls the older members for advice on what to do with a broken back- they end up ha...

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- nothing serious, but you two stop dancing when you hear a loud crack coming from your back
- nobody knows what happened but your back hurts from the movements
- he calls the older members for advice on what to do with a broken back
- they end up hanging up on him because he keeps saying you broke your back
- the only thing you need is a little bit of rest so he asks for someone to take you home and goes with you
- on the way home he shyly strokes your back to make you feel better


Hi everyone! First of all, I hope you're all doing really well, and I hope you enjoyed this.
Second of all, these are all based on my own experiences, but the thing is, I didn't have P1Harmony with me, so I had to deal with it all by myself. In just one day.
I've never had any issues like this while dancing but now that I decided to learn Siren's choreography, my bones are suddenly broken.
Have a good day!

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