first time meeting II. | maknae line

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Loud music filled the streets that you walked through that day, and actually everyday of your life ever since you went to high school. Last year was extremely stressful and you couldn't be grateful enough that it finally ended. No exams, no studying and no homeworks for months. Could anyone ask for better?

Summer break started next day and since your friends were already packing their stuff up at home to leave for their family trips, you didn't know what to do with your life. Your backpack wasn't that heavy anymore so you thought about getting some ice cream to eat on your way home.

Soon you witnessed the source of the music. You couldn't tell if it was some kind of hip-hop or noise but you could tell the boy, who was dancing to it, was actually talented at freestyling not to even mention he was kind of good looking. He probably went to the same school as you, that's why his face seemed so familiar.
People were watching and standing around him, some liked it so much that they even gave him money.

You moved just a little bit closer and started to admire his moves from the distance. You had such a great view from the bench you were sitting on and you thought you wouldn't even see anything if you moved even closer because of the crowd.

Hours passed by and he kept slaying every choreography. You didn't even know the reason why you stayed so long.

When you saw him packing his stuff you immediately took your phone out of your pocket. For some reason, you didn't want him to see you staring at him.

"Hey there!"

From the corner of your eyes you saw someone sitting next to you. Of course it was that brown haired boy. You were surprised and he even seemed like he surprised himself when he decided to talk to you.

"Hi!"you waved at him, not knowing what to do.
"You looked amazing there."you spoke up finally. You were just being honest, there's nothing wrong with that. Right?

"Thanks!"he nodded, gifting you a bright, cheerful smile. You couldn't help thinking about the fact that he reminded you of a playful puppy.

"Do you think I could improve my skills?"he asked enthusiastically. Just by looking him straight in those sparkling, big eyes, you knew his excitement was genuine.

"Why would you want to improve any of them?"

"So now you're telling me I am...perfect?"
He was teasing you for sure.

"I didn't say that!"you stated.

"Anyways, I'm Intak."

"Oh, that Intak?"

"Which one?"he asked, full of confusion.

"You know we go to the same school, right? Some teachers were talking about you."

"What did they say?"he asked now with some curiousity appearing in his voice. "Only good things I suppose"

"Yeah, totally..."you rolled your eyes, finally getting a chance to tease him a little bit like he did to you before.

"I recognized you though."
You could barely keep up with him and the topics he was bringing up every two minutes. He seemed a little bit too energetic to you.

p1harmony filesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora