{Chapter 17}

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Lucifer's POV:

When I walked back inside everyone, especially Rosalie, could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong babe?" she asked me as she walked over to me and grabbed my hand in a comforting way. "That was Aro. He said that Edward and Isabella were extremely disrespectful to the them. Isabella acted worse than Edward, at least he had the common since to keep his mouth shut at some points. Aro said that Bella was acting if though she was the queen and didn't have to listen to them and the only time she did listen was when they said she either had to be turned or killed. Which is what she wants, to be turned. It was at that point that Edward started basically throwing a fit because he doesn't want to turn her or kill her. Alice wasn't really a problem, the only time she really spoke was to show Aro that Bella will be turned." I tell the family not wanting to keep something this big from them.

Everyone had different but similar reactions to the news. Emmett was shocked at his coven mates acting how they did. Jasper was confused with how he felt about Alice's portion of the story and whether she did the right thing. Esme was disappointed in her children, thinking they had taught them better than to disrespect the kings. Carlisle though, he was furious at what they did and started ranting about how they embarrassed him in the kings presents before getting worried that the kings wouldn't think he could properly run his coven. Carlisle and the kings might disagree on diets and punishments but Carlisle would always look up to the kings due to his past with them.

After letting everyone digest the information for a few minutes and after Carlisle had went quiet I decided to add the gas to fire, "That's not all." All eyes turned to me and didn't say a word. Taking that as my sign to tell them the rest I went ahead to tell them the rest. "Aro asked me to keep an eye on Bella, Edward, and Alice for them. They're suspicious that they will try to get around their ruling somehow." The family was a bit surprised that the kings asked a human to keep an eye on two vampires and another human for them, even if he has familiar bonds with multiple members of the Volturi.

Now that the Cullen family knows how two of their members act without them being there, it wasn't farfetched that they would try to go against the kings ruling. Carlisle and Esme were on the fence about whether they thought Edward and Alice would try to go against orders when they knew the kings would check to make sure they did what they were told, especially since the kings knew first hand that their ruling wasn't respected just by how Edward acted in the throne room. Jasper was leaning more towards thinking they would try to get around the ruling since he has seen first-hand that Edward was manipulative and loved to get his way like a spoiled child. Emmett was guessing how they would try to get around it, "I think they would disappear so they wouldn't have to listen or at least Edward will try to send Bella off somewhere so they couldn't get ahold of her."

I thought about it for a second and thought of a different way they would try, "I think they would try to get everyone on their side by making themselves look like the victims or at least Bella will beg you guys to turn her since that is the number one thing she wants." Carlisle looked at me with a thoughtful expression on his face before asking a question that it seems like everyone at least thought about, "Why do you keep saying that the number one thing Bella wants is to be turned?" Once again everyone's eyes went to me waiting for my answer, "Because it's true, that is the number one thing she wants. Bella has always hated the idea of growing old and being covered in wrinkles. Being a vampire would put a stop to all that, she would stay the same age forever and stay wrinkle free." For the, it seems, millionth time today everyone was shocked.

Rosalie was quiet the entire time but we could all tell by her face that she was pissed that once again Bella, with Edward right behind her, put the whole family at risk again. "Baby, please talk. It will make you feel better." I say as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and placed a kiss on her neck. "It's just that I did everything the right way as to not put anyone in danger while on the other hand Bella and Edward have no care for any of us and only things of themselves. Plus, Alice seems to be on their side now too meaning the two coven members with the strongest powers are teaming up against the rest of us. It just doesn't seem right." Rosalie says extremely upset at the events taking place. I turned her around to where she could bury her face in my chest like I know she loves to do. I placed a kiss on the top of her head and whispered to her, "Everything's going to work out. All of us together, with the Volturi on our side, will not let them ruin everyone else's lives due their selfishness." Even though the rest of the family could hear us they were smart enough to stay quiet as Rosalie nodded her head yes in a way of saying okay and that she believes me.

"I think now is a good time to separate for the night. We will regroup early in the morning before Edward, Alice, and Bella return." Esme told everyone before putting her hand on Carlisle's back to guide him into his office. Emmett went to his room to play video games for the night. Jasper went to his room to probably read another history book. I picked up Rosalie since she didn't seem to want to move from my arms and walked upstairs to our room. We spent the next few hours lying in bed talking before I fell asleep.

3rd Person POV:

After Lucifer fell asleep, Rosalie went hunting but returned shortly and stayed in Lucifer's arms for the rest of the night, watching his face as he slept happy she finally has her happily ever after.

Carlisle and Esme stayed in Carlisle's office for a while. At first Esme just sat in one of the chairs as Carlisle paced the room while he ranted about everything that could go wrong now that one of his coven members, one of his children, had disrespected the kings, broke one of the top three laws vampires must follow, and almost broke another of the top laws. It was an hour after they entered the office when Carlisle said he needed to call Aro personally and apologize for the disrespect they suffered. The coven leader grabbed his phone from on top of the desk and pressed the call button for Aro's contact as he finally sat in his chair.

"Hello." Aro's voice was heard over the speaker. "Hello, Aro. It's Carlisle." The blond-haired man introduced himself. "Carlisle, my friend. Nice to hear from you." Aro said, his voice not having the same tone as usual, worrying Carlisle. "Yes. I just wanted to call. Lucifer told me what happened while Edward, Alice, and Bella were there in Italy. I wanted to apologize to you about their behavior and tell you that I will be handling it when they return to make sure nothing like this happens again." Carlisle told the black-haired king whom he used to be very close too. "Thank you for the apology. Knowing you are determined to handle the situation and not let your coven members get away with their behavior is admirable. It lets me know that my decision to let them return to you and not keep them in the cells here was a good call, anyone else and they would have not left at all." Aro responded to Carlisle's apology. Carlisle let out a breath he didn't need to hold at what Aro said. "Thank you for taking out past relationship into consideration in your ruling and I will make sure your ruling stands." Carlisle said. "You're welcome, Carlisle. I must be going now, important matters I need to tend to." "Of course, would hate to keep you from your responsibilities. Goodbye." "Goodbye young friend." Aro said before the line went dead.

With the weight of half of the "what if's?" disappearing from Carlisle's shoulders, he could finally calm down enough to spend the remainder of the night with Esme hunting and cuddling together on the couch in the living room.

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