{Chapter 16}

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3rd Person POV:

For the months following Lucifer and Rosalie moving in together, everything was great. Bella would only bother the couple at school. For the first week, she would show up at the house and barge in yelling. They had learned our lesson to keep the door locked after she barged in on Rosalie and Lucifer mid make out. Lucifer was shirtless with the zipper of his pants undone and Rosalie was in a pair of small jean shorts with only a bra on the top half of her body. After that day, the door remains locked all the time. Lucifer even called his dad to tell him about Bella barging in while lying a little about what him and Rosalie were doing when it happened.

Sadly, the couple's happiness was short lived due to Charlie calling his son freaking out about Bella missing. While Lucifer was on the phone with Charlie, Rosalie called Alice to ask if she could see Bella's future so that maybe they can know where she is. Alice told Rosalie that she is with Bella and that they were on their way to Italy to save Edward. She told Rosalie everything about everyone thinking Bella was dead, accidentally telling Edward, and his asking for death from the Volturi. Rosalie relayed everything to Lucifer who then fixed the explanation to not include vampires or vampire gifts so it would be acceptable to tell his dad but still as close to the truth as he can get since he still wanted to get Bella in trouble for all the trouble she has caused him over the last few months. Of course, dad was pissed about his eldest child flying to the other side of the world for her ex-boyfriend who left her in the woods. Once all the drama was put aside, Rosalie and Lucifer spent the rest of the day relaxing.

Waking up the next morning was interesting to say the least. The couple woke up and got dressed for the day before going downstairs with the plan of Lucifer making some breakfast for himself while Rosalie sat at the bar and had their normal conversations they have in the morning. This morning however was different. When Lucifer and Rosalie arrived downstairs, they were met with the rest of the Cullen family minus Edward and Alice since they are still traveling back from Italy. The young couple didn't expect to see them here in the house so they were definitely surprised.

Lucifer and Rosalie didn't know what to say when they reached the bottom of the stairs so they just stayed quiet and stole glances at each other not knowing what to do. They didn't think the Cullen family would come back. They thought that Alice and Edward would come back with Bella then leave again. That doesn't seem like it would be happening anymore. Rosalie was the one to ask them what they were doing back. Carlisle explained that they decided to come back so Edward and Bella can be together. It was at that moment that Lucifer's phone started ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw it was Aro calling.

Lucifer's POV:

I walked outside to take the call. "Hello sir." I say as soon as I hit answer. "Hello child. I am calling to talk to you about Edward and Isabella." Aro's voice was heard saying and he didn't sound happy. "Of course. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I asked the king. "The entire time they were in the throne room they both had an air of arrogance. Isabella herself was worse than Edward though. She acted as though she was queen and didn't have to listen to us. The only time she did listen is when we told them that she either had to be turned or killed but then it was Edward's turn to throw a fit because he doesn't want her to be turned or kill her." The king explained to me about the events that took place. "That definitely sounds like her. She has always been self-centered." I say in a dry tone as thoughts about Bella's attitude throughout their lives.

"That is the reason I called. I want to ask you to keep an eye on her, Edward, and Alice for us. My brothers and I are suspicious that they will try to get around our ruling somehow." Aro finally got to the point of the call. "Yes, I'll keep an eye on the three to be sure and call you if I have any information on their plans." Aro thanks me before saying he must go to take care of other business. We both said our goodbyes and hung up as I made my way back to the house since without even noticing I had walked far while talking on the phone. As I walked back I planned in my head what to say to the members of the Cullen family about the three trouble makers that were due to return tonight.

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