{Chapter 14}

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Lucifer's POV:

The next morning was hell as well as the rest of the week. Every day when I got home Bella would go off on screaming rants until the middle of the night or early morning hours about dad treating me better than her and me being the favorite child. By Wednesday I was spending my time after school at the diner, sometimes with dad, or at the Cullen's house so I don't have to deal with the she beast that's waiting for me to walk through the front door to pounce. Luckily Bella let it go after two weeks of dad saying he wasn't going to punish me.

About a month after the concert the Cullen family and I found out the Edward and Bella had recently become very friendly with each other. Nobody is okay with it. Not the rest of the Cullens, not dad, not me, and not even Bella's friends from school like what is going on. Anytime someone tried to talk with Edward about it he would go off in a rage and rant about them trying to control his life for so long that people would end up walking away. Since the two started to hang out together they had both been acting worse than ever. Edward went from being the quiet guy in the corner to thinking he is the best guy on planet earth. Bella was already a spoiled brat before but now she has been worse with an air of arrogance surrounding her. we all just hoped it would run its course and end soon.

Rosalie and I have got closer as the days went by. I asked her on a date, she said yes. For our date, we went to a car show since we both love older vintage cars. At the end when I took her home I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. We had our first kiss that night on her front porch before saying our goodnights and I left to go home. When I got home not even Bella's bitchy ass could put a damper on my mood. She went on a rant for about five minutes before dad forced her to go upstairs saying she wasn't allowed out of her room for the rest of the night. Dad and I have learned that if we let her rant for a few minutes than he can find a reason to punish her from her own words. Once her door slammed shut dad grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed one to me. even though I am underage and he is a cop dad does view me as mature enough to know right from wrong and I mean come on one beer can't hurt. We sat in the living room and I told him all about the date, me asking her officially to be together, and even about the kiss. Dad was happy it went well especially since it was my first date. Usually the girls my age act stupid and want to have boring movie dates that put me to sleep while the people I am in class with, two years older than me, just see me as a Brainiac kid, even though most of them have to break their neck to look me in the eyes.

The next morning, I left the house early to go to the Cullen house to pick up Rosalie since she said she wanted to ride my bike to school today and tomorrow she would pick me up in her car tomorrow morning. When we pulled into the school parking lot everyone stopped what they were doing and starred even more than they did when Bella and Edward showed up together last week. We knew this would happen and ignored it as we walked hand and hand into the school. We went to Rosalie's locker first to get her things then went to my locker to get mine before I walked her to her first class and kissed her cheek before leaving to my class. I still spent the first half of the day with my friends but occasionally spent a few minutes with Rosalie between classes.

My friends were shocked when I walked up and started talking to them during first class and after two classes still being in shock I asked them what was up. It turns out they heard about how Bella basically ditched her friends when she started talking to Edward so they thought that I might do the same thing and leave them to spend all my time with Rosalie. I had to make sure they understood that yes, I am dating Rosalie now but I am not like Bella. Rosalie understands that we won't be together twenty-four seven and that I have friends of my own that I will continue to hang out with and told them that Rosalie and I are not like Edward and Bella and don't plan to be dependent on each other like they are. I also had to in turn explain to them that since I am dating Rosalie that sometimes I will be eating with her and her family at lunch sometimes and will sometimes won't be able to hang out since I will be spending some afternoons and weekends with her too.

They were excited that I wasn't leaving the group and we put everything behind us in favor of having our normal conversations with smiles on our faces, happy that our group was still together.

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