{Chapter 12}

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Lucifer's POV:

Loud banging made me shoot up to a sitting position in my bed. It took a moment for me to get my barings, but I soon realized the loud annoying sound was coming from my bedroom door. I threw the covers off my legs and went to open the door. Once opening the door, I wished I had never even woke up because the person who woke me up was the house's raging dragon lady herself, Isabella.

"Yes, Isabella. What was so important that you needed to wake me up at.... six forty-five in the morning!?" I ask my bitch of a sister. "It's Bella you dick! And I came to wake you up because dad said we get to switch rooms since I am the oldest and I deserve it. So, get packing!" the she beast yelled in my face, spitting a little. I wiped my hand down my face to get rid of her spit, "I talked to dad last night, Isabella. He already warned me about you breaking into my room yesterday when I was gone and finding out about me having a bigger room and my own bathroom. So, my answer is no. have a horrible day!" I tell my horrible sister before slamming the door in her face, making sure it's locked.

Since I was rudely woken up and couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to have a calm morning in my room. I spent the morning hours reading the new book I got called "Billy Summers" and watched my favorite movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". It was around noon when I got a text from Rosalie "Hey babe, do you want to come over to my house? We all enjoyed you being here yesterday, especially my family from Italy and I." the text read. I instantly texted Rosalie back, "Yeah, I would love too. Be over in about an hour, babe." After texting her back I got dressed and left my room, double checking that my bedroom was locked. Once I got downstairs I realized that no one was home. Dad left a note on the fridge saying that Isabella went to the reservation to hang out with Jacob and that he got called into work. "Whatever. Better to stay away her." I thought to myself.

I jumped on my bike and rode off to the Cullen house arriving there in fifteen minutes. Rosalie ran out the front door as soon as I turned the bike off, throwing her arms around me. her three uncles and four cousins followed out the door while we were locked in a tight embrace making us let go but I kept my left arm draped over her shoulders so I could keep her close but be able to shake hands, or in Demetri and Felix's case fist bumps, with everyone. We all walked inside where I shared short greetings with the rest of Rosalie's family. They greeted me back but otherwise went back to what they were doing. The Volturi family, Rosalie, and I went into Rosalie's room where she had a small sofa, some chairs, and beanbags as well as her bed. Aro, Marcus, and Caius took the couch. Felix and Demetri took the chairs. Alec and Jane took the beanbags. Leaving Rosalie and I to lay on the bed.

I spent the next two hours talking with them and having a good time before I had to leave. I had to get dressed for the Papa Roach and Five Finger Death Punch concert that I was going to attend with James, Brian, Zacky, Jacoby, Luca, and Toni. The group picked me up at four thirty and we jammed out to music the entire two-and-a-half-hour drive. We arrived at the stadium and quickly got through the line and went into the mosh pit. After about fifteen minutes the lights went down, starting the best night of my life!

3rd Person POV:

What no one in the crowd noticed was that eight vampires stood in the rafters above their heads, seven with red eyes and one with gold.


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