~Chapter 1~

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Lucifer POV:

Today is the day, the day my sister and I move in with our dad. I can't wait to go back to Forks. Bella and I use to go every summer till 2 years ago when Bella stopped wanting to go so mom wouldn't let me go anymore because it was "unsave for someone my age." I am the complete opposite of Bella, she loves the sun and heat even thought she never goes outside. While I on the other hand love the rain and cold weather and also going into the woods. I am sitting in the passenger seat of my mom and stepdad's car waiting for Bella and mom. They are always running late it sometimes feels like Phil and I are the only adults in the house. This time though seems longer due to them having to do Bella's last minute packing,which is basically over half of her packing but also because I have been packed since we decided to move, that was 3 weeks ago. Don't get me wrong im gonna miss mom, phil, and all my friends but i miss Fork and dad more than anything truthfully I wanted to move in with dad since I was 8 and now it is finally happening. I get pulled out of my thoughts of Forks when mom and Bella are now coming out of the house and putting Bella's bags in the very back and both climbed in the back seat. While Phil and I sat in the front. You might think its weird that I get the front seat but the reason I am aloud to sit up front is easy. I am 6 foot 9 and 180 pound of muscle. Meaning I am way to tall to fit in the back with other people. After the drive to the airport we hug mom and Phil and rush to make it to the plane on time with me falling asleep soon after take off.

          I was soon waking up to someone shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes I see an irritated Bella who tells me we already landed. After getting my bookbag and getting off the plane we got our luggage then to find dad. 10 minutes after looking I finally see him so me being me I took off running and left Bella behind "DAD!" I yell as I basically tackle my dad into a hug almost forgetting I am much larger than him now. Dad just lets out a laugh and hugs me back. Releasing the hug I see him smiling and held me at arms length "Lucifer! It's good to see you son you're growing like a weed damn kid" He said. "Yeah I know right. The doctor told me Im gonna end up being over 7 feet tall by the time Im 18. I guess you can't call me squirt anymore old man" I said letting out a little laugh. All the sudden we hear someone clear their throat to my right. Dad and I turn to see Bella glaring us, well actually me. "Seriously! You just ran off and left me you jerk" Bella said still looking mad "Sorry Bella, to make up for it you can take the front seat on the ride home" I said still smiling not looking sorry at all. "The only reason you're saying that is because you can't fit in the front seat for once" she said smirking because she knows she caught me. "Alright kids lets go" dad says breaking up the soon to be argument by leading Bella and I outside to the police car. After putting everything in the trunk we all jump in and let me tell you. THIS SUCKS! im basically folded in half. 20 minutes into the drive my legs were asleep and my back hurt like hell "How much longer?" I whined out to dad. "About 10 minutes kiddo" he responds while looking in the rear view mirror trying not to laugh at how I am having to sit. 10 minutes later we arrive at the house and dad hurries to open my door so i can stop doing acrobatics in his back seat. "Welcome home giant!"

Black SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora