{Chapter 13}

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Lucifer's POV:

Throughout the concert I kept feeling like I was being watched. I looked around me multiple times but didn't see anyone staring at me so I tried to let it go and enjoy my time. My friends and I were in multiple mosh pits and even one small wall of death by the end of the night. We all had a great time and decided to grab some waffle house before heading back to Forks. As we were walking out of the arena I sent Rosalie a text to tell that the concert was over and we are getting food before returning home. She texted me back a few minutes later thanking me for keeping her updated and asking if I was okay. After getting in the car I responded with telling her that I only have a few bruises, nothing bad, then told her I'll text her again when I get home.

The car ride and dinner were filled with us talking about the concert, some of us ended up falling asleep but we woke up when arriving at the house they need to be dropped off at. I was the second to last to be dropped so I said goodnight and walked inside with the intension of falling straight to bed, that did not happen. As I walked through the ground floor and over to the stairs a wide-awake Bella and half-asleep dad came down the stairs to stand in front of me. "See dad I told you he just got home. It's almost three in the morning, you need to punish him!" she told dad while looking at me with a smug smirk on her face.

"Hey kiddo how was the concert? I see you got some nice bruises." Dad asked me, shocking the living hell out Isabella. I look her dead in the eyes with a smug smile of my own, "It was awesome. The mosh pits were a little crazy but nothing too bad. The bands were amazing too. Thanks for letting me go." Bella's face could have been mistaken as a tomato, "You let him go tonight but when I want to go to the mall I had to be back before the sun went down! How is that fair?" she screamed at our father.

"Speak like that to me again and you won't be going anywhere. Yes, I did let Lucifer go to the concert. I know the kids he went with are good kids that don't cause trouble. Lucifer is mature and capable of making decisions on his own while you, even though you are older, are immature and only think of yourself. Your friends are also the kids that I am constantly having in my station and always causing trouble around town." Dad tells her. I send her another smile in a way of saying nice try before I turned back to dad, "I'm going to go up to bed, it's been a long night and I have to be up in a few hours." Dad says that he's going to do the same then we both went upstairs to our separate bedrooms, leaving behind a squealing Bella claiming, "it's not fair" repeatedly.

I got into my room, making sure to lock the door, and stripped out of my concert clothes. As I lay in bed I got on my phone to text Rosalie that I made it home, not thinking she would still be up I plugged in my phone and started to get comfortable under my comforter. Just as I got into a good spot my phone dinged telling me I have a message. The only reason I even reached out to get the phone was because I was almost a hundred percent sure it was Rose. It was her saying she was glad I got home and that I should get some sleep since we have school tomorrow. I told her that I was and goodnight. Then I turned over and went to sleep hoping that three hours will be enough sleep to get me through a full day of school tomorrow.

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