"Forgive me. I only believed they existed in fairytales."

"Well they're real as I am." I stated. "And just because they're beings of benevolence and virtue, doesn't mean they're always nice.  They can be a  fearsome and threatening too.  Mess with one and you'll wish you were dead, or regret that he hasn't given you that gift." The unicorn quietly neighed and shook his mane. Saint Germain took the message and stepped back, we didn't hear a word from him during the rest of the trek.

"Good job keeping him shut." Greta patted my leg. "I'm going to circle around and make sure I don't have stragglers." She gave me a knowing look before leaving me and Alucard alone.

"I really like her." I told Alucard quietly.

"I'm glad." The dhampir responded in barely a whisper. "She is a strong leader and a fierce protector." We walked together in awkward silence, the argument still fresh in our minds. I dismounted the unicorn to stretch my legs, stepping alongside him with my fingers brushing his mane. Alucard walked close to my side. "How are you faring?"

"Okay." I yawned. "Needed to stretch my legs. How long do you think until we reach the castle?"

"By sunrise." He answered. "A large group slows our travels, but we have time."

"Good." I huffed. Alucard softly spoke my name and brushed against my fingers. "I'm sorry about before. I never meant to undermine you. I only wished to keep you and the villagers safe."

"I know." I said. "I'm not mad at you, I just...." I didn't want to speak my doubts in front of the travelers.  "I just hope we make it home without any setbacks."

"We will." He reassured. "These people are the safest in the world with you at their side. I see how they look upon you with hope."

"They look upon me because I'm riding a unicorn."

"No." Alucard said. "They look upon you, because you've given the hope, and shown them they're not alone in this struggle. As you have done with me."

I sighed doubtful. "It'll be nice to have other people in the castle. I'm actually very excited about it. They'll bring more life and light to the place than only the two of us could."

"I'm glad." He said with a hint of nervousness. "It is...my greatest joy in life to see you happy."

My cheeks blushed with a warmth I haven't felt in days. "I have to ask you something."

"What it it?"

"You didn't offer our home as a sanctuary just to keep me safe and happy?" I asked him in a whisper, watching the group behind me.

"I'd be lying if I said your safety and wellbeing wasn't a huge factor in my decision. I wanted you home, that is the truth." Alucard responded honestly. "But I also wanted to make amends to these people for  not coming to their aid . Remaining home was my biggest regret, and if there was I way I could atone for my choice and help them, I'd take it." His chest rose and fell. "It felt right."

"Thank you for doing the right thing." I took his hand. "And I'm glad you're here." Alucard gripped my hand hard, staring intently at the branches far above like a hawk.  "Get on the unicorn."  He leaped into the trees before I could respond.
I didn't need an explanation, my staff's faint glow told me enough. "Keep everyone moving." I warned Greta urgently. We stood unmoving with our weapons at ready, watching the trees.

"Do you see anything?" She asked. "No." I tipped my glowing staff. Suddenly a red light flashed among the branches like a thunderbolt, followed by puffs of green gas  and sickening crunch of a sword. A large  spiderlike night creature with warty pustules crashed in our midst from the branches, its neck slashed clean open as its corpse pooled in blood. Soon another followed scrabbling on its legs for dear life before we dispatched it with staff and hammer.

Castlevania: Of Darkness and LightWhere stories live. Discover now