Chapter 8

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Sarah stood in front of the bed hands clenched into fists resting in her hips.

"Explain,"She commanded.

Now normally someone wouldn't just treat royalty like that but Sarah didn't care if he was going to be a king soon she was still going to treat Race like she normally would.

"You know exactly where I've been so there's nothing to explain there,"Race stated crossing his arms across his chest as if to defend himself.

"I know that, I want to know why you just show up and don't even say hi,"Sarah raised her voice slightly and was started to swing her arms around.

"I don't know!"Race groaned falling back dramatically to lay on the bed, as Jojo looked back at Race laughing Albert spoke up

"How was he supposed to know where you were?"Albert questioned unable to hold back a smirk of victory when Sarah tried to reason but failed, Jojo reached over to Albert for a high five.

"Your friends are funny though,"She smiled pointing at the two boys who were attempting another high five because the other failed.

"I know,"Race smiled well sitting up break the high five apart.

The three boys started to explain everything, why Race didn't visit her and everything that happened in New York.

"You went on strike,"She asked with a look of disbelief, only getting a simple nod from all three boys as if it was an everyday ocurance.

"And our leader, Jack, found a girl friend,"Jojo said 'girlfriend' teasingly despite the fact Jack wasn't even there.

"Speaking of Jack I wonder how he feels with us gone?"Race thought out loud.

"It's only been three days, he probably finally getting some peace and quiet,"Albert answered.

Jack's p.o.v

3 days earlier

I sat on a stack of newspapers watching bored as the others ran around playing their game of ultimate tag in which I had quit moments into the game, no one sold for to long because of the good headline but that didn't change the fact that I barely got any sleep last night. I just had a feeling something was going to happen, good or bad, I just had that feeling. The boys weren't being annoying loud though, it was probably because Race, Albert and Jojo were gone to watch some races, but at least everything was going smooth.

"Wow! look at them,"Les exclaimed pointing at three large men in fancy armor strut by, "Why do they look so angry?"He asked looking over at his older brother David or as we called him, Davey.

"I don't know," Davey thought for a few minutes as he and Les walked towards me, "Maybe they found the guy they're looking for," He suggested, in which Les hummed in response. All the boys attention was grabbed for the few second the men were in sight, but once they turned the corner they were back to playing around.

"It's getting a bit late," Davey said holding his younger brothers shoulders from behind looking at Jack.

"Yeah, you can head home if you want," He nodded, as the two boys walked away Jacked called after them, "Hey well your on your way home, if you see Race and them, tell em to come back," He yelled getting a nod in return. Knowing everything was in good hands he decided it was time to go to bed he was, as usual, closely followed by the others.

Back to normal p.o.v

"Yeah, I think it's fine,"Race said waving his hand as if to brush it off.

The three boys, almost immediately, decide to tell Sarah about their escape plan.

"No,"She said bluntly after a few weeks moment of fake thinking.

Race threw his arms up, "Why not?"He exclaimed.

"Not unless I come with you,"She added giving Race a sharp look ignoring his confusion completely.

"What?"Race said flabbergasted, but trying to hide his smile.

"I mean,"She paused to look back down at the plan then back at Race, "I've always wanted to see this new home of yours, and how people treat you,"She stated simply.

Race slammed his hands on the desk and turned around to face Albert and Jojo

"Well, escape has been postponed again,"He said slightly irritated.

He shush ed his two friend as the shouted in anger.

"Why!"Albert shouted.

"Because, believe it or not, I planned this escape for three people, not four, so we need to figure out a way to fit her into the plan,"He explained.

His to friend let out a groan of frustration out.

"Relax, it will take no time at all,"He assured them.

Race sat down and started to quickly replant everything. The truth is, the re-branding would probably take a couple hours, but he didn't want to say that in front of Sarah, so he simply tried to get it done quickly, completely blocking out the other threes conversation.

"So," Sarah hummed out awkwardly, "How long have you known Anthony, or Race?"She asked after a stretch of awkward silence.

"Ever since he came to New York,"Albert was able to quickly respond.

"I've known him since I became a newsie, which was about two months after Albert met him,"Jojo added.

"Mhm, nice,"She stopped talking for a second as if she was making a couple calculations,  "I've known him since we were 8,"She stated as if it would make them jealous.

Of course this statement only phased Albert, " Well actually, I've known him since I was four,"

"That's impossible, he was still in Italy,"She added onto his statement.

"He was my pen pal,"Albert said crossing his arms.

Race intervened, "You don't even know how to write,"He said.

"KATHERINE WROTE FOR ME!"Albert raised his voice.

"We didn't know Katherine then,"Jojo added.

"Whatever,"Albert grumbled as he turned away from a smiling Sarah.

"Done!" Race yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

The three others huddled over the new plan.

"That looks do able," Jojo said hesitantly.

With the plan he had come up with they would all be back in New York before the end of the week, and before his mom could get too attached again. Race had to admit he would feel bad leaving his family again and not bringing his sister , but he had to leave her here.

Suddenly the door creaked open, Race hurriedly stuffed the paper in a drawer before looking up and meeting eyes with one of the guards.

"The Queen requires you downstairs," The man said.

All of them made their way towards the door before the guard spoke up again, "Alone,"

Race looked back at his friends before following the guard.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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