Chapter 5

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As they walked back towards the castle they told multiple jokes and laughed a lot, but that mood was kind of crushed as an older woman walked up to them.

 "Welcome back, dear prince,"She said sweetly before walking away.

 Race looked at her with a smile that faded away the moment she was out of sight, "I hate this,"He groaned.

 "It was just one person,"Jojo tried to make him feel a bit better. 

Race then pointed up to a group of people walking by them, all stopping a second to bow or curtsy causing Race to groan again the moment they were out of sight. They all quietly walked on continuing to try and make him happy, which quickly worked when he finally decided to make ye contact with them. Lily led the group through the rest of the market stopping occasionally so the boys could check things out.

 "We can go now,"Albert said behind Lily causing her to jump. 

  "Holy cow Albert you scar-"She turned around to see him and Jojo standing side by side, arms full of items, "How did you even afford that?"She asked.

 Jojo looked over at Albert who just smirked, "We may have pulled the whole 'friends with the prince' card," Lily rolled her just before Race returned, freezing for a second when he saw his two friends with arms full of stuff.

 "I'm not gonna even ask how you managed to get that all,"He said before leading the group out of the market. They began to walk a bit quicker on their way out, and Lily and Race ended up having one of those 'which is better' type fights, "I think milk chocolate is better,"Race stated simply.

 "No, it good but nothing can beat white chocolate,"She contradicted, that statement caused Race to make a face of disgust, he turned to face Albert and Jojo.

 "What do you think?" He asked, Albert and Jojo just shrugged.

 "I don't know,"Albert said.

 "What do you mean, you don't know,"Lily gasped out.

 "Never had any,"Said Jojo causing Race and Lily to freeze in place.

 "What!"Race yelled after a few moments of silence had passed Lily spoke up again, "You have to try some,"She stated.


They entered the palace, Jojo and Albert trailing behind snacking on a chocolate bar that Lily and Race had decided to get them.

 "Oh, Thank goodness you're okay,"Race's Mom a.k.a the Queen said as she hurried towards the four teenagers,"I can't have you missing again," She giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek

 "Mom!"He whisper yelled pushing her away gesturing to his two friends.

 "Oh, I see, since your so much older now, you're embarrassed,"She smirked almost as if she was glad he was embarrassed, causing Albert to let out a snicker.

 "excuse me ma'am?" Jojo said shyly stepping forward.

 "Yes Jojo," She turned her attention to the boy.

 "Is it okay if we take a walk around the castle, we'll stay within the gates, I promise," Jojo exaggerated the word 'promise'. The Woman thought for a second.

 "without them?"She asked gesturing to the guards, he nodded, "Maybe after lunch," She decided after another few moments of silence.  

  This made the kids jump up and down in excitement, after they were done celebrating they quickly made their way to the dining room. They all sat down in a row, besides Lily who sat across the table from Albert, The three boys quickly filled their plates up, attempting to eat a bit slower than they wanted. Once they were done Jojo ran towards the front door followed slowly by Albert and Race, who both had a feeling that Jojo was beginning to like this place.

 "Slow down Jojo!"Albert called out to his friend both him and Race quickly skipping over to him. Well they walked around the castle they decided to take a stroll around the garden, taking a couple seconds to look at every plant they saw, Jojo especially like the look of the strawberries, leading to him picking one, just as he was about to eat it they all heard a voice.

 "You shouldn't be eating those,"The person calmly said, Race quickly stepped forward making himself more visible.

 "No it's fine, the Queen sa-"Before he could finish the old man interrupted.

 "Oh my, so the rumors are true,"He whispered stepping closer to the three.

 "What rumors?"Jojo asked despite now having a strawberry in his mouth. 

"The prince has returned,"The man had a smile growing on his face, "I haven't seen you, since you were 13,"He paused, "My, you'd be 18 now wouldn't you?"He asked, Race looked around slightly confused before awnsering.

"Uh, yes,"Race slowly said.

 "You probably wouldn't remember me, I was definitely a but younger looking the last we saw each other," The man laughed, "Well I should go back to my job, our boys enjoy looking around all you want,"He gave a small wave before turning around and continuing his job. 

"That was the most awkward conversation I've ever had,"Race sighed out as he turned around to face the two others

 "I agree, he made me think of that old wise dude in every book,"Albert agreed, Jojo looked over at him.

 "Since when do you read?"He questioned, Albert shrugged his shoulders in response.

 "Sometime I read the first few chapters, then I get bored,"He stated simply before plucking himself a strawberry of the plants.

 "Let's continue,"Race said turning around again a leading them all through a maze of flowers and other plants. Eventually they found their way to a small cobble stone path, the sound of horses in the distance.

 "Come on, the stables are down here,"Race told his friends, leading them down the path.

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