Chapter 6

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        After a short walk the three made their way to Race's room, to plan.

"How this going to work?"Jojo asked looking over Race's shoulder taking in the mess of words all over the page.

"Well the first time I ran was easy,"He started, "But guarding is probably ten times better by the docks now,"He finished scribbling a few more words on causing Jojo to sit back down and countinue playing patty cake with Albert. The door slowly cracked open revealing Lily

"I manage to sneak something from the kitchen,"She set down a plate of biscuits causing the three boys to all mutter a thank you, but none actually grabbing one. Eventually Albert did and he also sneaked a look at Race's plan

"None of that makes sense,"He stated plainly, Race shoved Albert away, "Well obviously, I'm not done yet,"Race let out a chuckle as his friend hit the floor. Lily sat down by Race after helping Albert.

"Anthony, are you actually gonna leave again?"She asked quietly, Race looked over at her, "Well, not right away, I'll stay at least a week or two longer,"He paused tapping the pencil he had against the journal, "I want to leave before mom makes me get married,"He said bluntly crossing his legs on the bed.

"Hold up, married, you?"Albert asked, Race looked at him and Jojo, "You two have so much to learn about royalty,"He sighed out as if he were a slightly disappointed teacher, "but that's off topic,"He suddenly said a bit louder. He quickly hopped of the bed and slipped under it, soon sliding out the other end, "Here it is,"He smiled at the peice of paper in his hand.

Jojo looked at the peice of paper over Race's shoulder, "What's that?"Jojo asked after a moment of silence.

"This my friend,"He paused tapping the paper with his finger, "Was my old escape plan,"He placed the paper down in front of the others. The others took a few minute to inspect the old coupled peice of paper, with little scribbles all over the place and a very poorly drawn stick man by a dock

Albert let out a snort, "Is that a drawing of yo-"Albert stopped when Race spoke up, "I was twelve, ok " Race stated. They all inspected the paper a bit longer, "Let's think on it for a bit,"Jojo said setting it down on the desk and grabbing a biscuit. Then he flopped down on a chair in the corner of the room letting out a heavy sigh, "I'm tired,"He complained earning a look from the other two considering it was only 1 in the afternoon, and them being newsies, they were used to sometimes staying out side from early morning to like 4, but one trip to Italy and an actual comfy bed later suddenly he was exhausted after 3 hours of walking around.

After about another hour of just sitting and thinking well Jojo took a power nap, they were still trying to think of a fool proof plan.

"We could just run away during the night?"Albert suggested, Race looked up, "Hate to break it to you but the guards work full time,"

Lily who had left the room about 30 minutes before entered the room again and studied Race's face, "Why haven't you looked disappointed since the stables?"She asked blankly, This caught Race of guard.

"What?"He asked, she looked at him a bit longer then suddenly gasped, "You wanted to see Sarah didn't you?!"She exclaimed, Race then looked away.

"No!"He shouted

"You totally did!"She semi-yelled back. Jojo stood up from his spot on the floor.

"Sorry, but who is Sarah?"He asked standing between the two.

"Oh simple,"Lily started, "Basically when Race was really little he met this girl when she started working with her dad at the stables, they became friends but Race developed feelings for her, and his peanut size brain is assuming she still works there,"She said very quickly, Jojo stood there confused for a few moments still trying to process her word in her head and ended up letting out a small 'oh' at the same time as Albert.

"I did not assume she still worked there,"He paused briefly, "Does she?"He asked quietly.

Lily slowly shook her head and let out a small laugh,"Her dad does, but she left to work at a bakery,"She said gaining Race full attention, "We should visit her someday,"Race quickly nodded after her suggestion.

"Someone gotta crushhhh, "Albert teased well looking over Race's shoulder.

"Okay! Back on topic,"He said quickly before the other two joined in.

The four continued to plan their escape quietly, making sure to hide the notebook under the pillow everytime someone entered the room to check on them or tell them how much time they have until lunch, Jojo reached for the last biscuit.

"Are you sure this is supposed to be a confusing plan,"He paused to swallow his food, "Cause it seems a bit simple,"He finished.

"Yeah, I mean it's confusing compared to my first one,"Race said quietly well writing something down, "What do you think?"He asked showing them the new page of note he wrote.

Albert took the note book and inspected it carefully, both Lily and Jojo looking over his shoulder.

"It should work,"Lily said.

"But we still get to stay a week right?" Albert asked looking up from the book.

"mhm, we might to make some ajustments to the plan, if something changes,"Race said smiling at his two friends. Thus caused his two friends to silently celebrate about this trip lasting a bit longer,  Race just hoped they wouldn't get attached to Italy.

"If you guys want to stay for a whole week,"He paused standing up infront of them, "You're going to have to learn just a bit of Italian,"He said emphasizing the way he said 'bit'.

Albert slapped the desk and stood up, "I'm out!"He shouted, let's just say Albert's never been the one for learning.

"I'll try?"Jojo said as if it was a question.

Race smirked, "Perfect,"He smiled.

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