Chapter 7

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(The girl is what I imagine a new charecter Sarah would look like except younger)

A few days had passed since all the planning, nothing had changed too much but by the looks of it they might end up needing to delay the escape.

"And you're finished," The woman who had been doing Race's hair said delighted snapping him out of his thoughts.

He slowly walked over to the mirror looking at his reflection, thankfully the girl didn't change his hair too much.

"Now you look different!"Lily exclaimed as she ran into the room closely followed by Albert then Jojo.

Jojo skipped up beside Race and spoke up, "Can you believe that you're officially of you arrival?"He struggled to figure out how to word it.

"Oh yeah, just splendid...Lo odio,"He huffed after a short pause.

His friends gave him a confused look causing Lily to jump in.

"He said 'I hate it'," she translated his Italian words.

The two other boys spent multiple minutes trying to tell him he looked fine.

"It's not that!"He paused taking a deep breath, "It's the fact that now everyone will know I'm back and I don't want to leave them so soon after that," He let out another long sigh.

"It'll be fine, trust me,"Lily assured him as she walked around the big room, despite already being aware of every Crack and corner of the building she acted as if she had never seen anything before.

Minutes felt like hours before they finally were told to go outside.

Sarah's pov (I know shocking I'm actually making it from someone's point of view)

I squeezed my way through the large crowd that gathered closer to the castle, I had just been making my way back to see my dad when I was met with the crowd.

"Excuse me,"I mumbled multiple times as I pushed my way through but when I made it about 20 meters till the front I decided to see what was happening.

"Ma'am?"I grabbed the attention of a woman near by, "May I ask what's happening?"I asked her after she sent me a nod.

"You haven't heard?"She had to yell over the noise but even so I still had trouble understanding her, "The prince returned,"She exclaimed.

I froze in shock before asking one final question, "When?" I never really heard her response but I believe I made out someone saying about 3 days ago.

I couldn't help but think, he had been home that long and hadn't thought to visit me? Had he forgotten about our friendship? He did mention before leaving how he just wanted to forget about the royal life and luxury. I didn't think he could ever truly forget about Italy ever.

After what seemed like hours of waiting the door finally opened revealing the queen and Anthony's younger sister Lily, soon followed by two boys I didn't recall ever seeing and then the person who this whole crowd was waiting to see. Anthony.

(Ok back to the normal point of view I do)

Race looked out at the crowd of people, blocking out the sound of his mom speaking. Even looking at this crowd it didn't really make him want to be this anymore, in fact he was almost sure he didn't want to delay any plans. He looked at his mom only to see she was gesturing for him to smile, he then looked back at his two friends who were also trying to get him to smile, this caused him to let out a small laugh leaving a smile on his face. What seemed like hours finally came to an end then he followed Jojo and Albert to Albert's room which was very luxurious for a guest room.

Race sat down on the floor letting out a groan mixed with a laugh, before standing up and striking a pose, "Now that's what I call, an entrance,"He said dramatically causing his friends to laugh.

He sat back down closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again to keep himself from falling asleep, "What did you guys think?"He chimed.

"It looked very crowded down there,"Albert said laying down on his bed.

"I agree I'm just glad I wasn't in the crowd,"Jojo said, The two friend nodded at Jojo's statement.

A few moments of joking around had passed before a sudden rush of footsteps came rushing towards the room.

"This room?"A voice was heard on the other side of the door, followed by a hum presumably from Lily. Suddenly the door whipped open revealing a short girl, brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail.

"You have got to be joking!" Race said through a smile but the girl just countinues to look angry.

"No! You have to be joking,"She paused for a few moments taking in the two other boys, "You've been here for 3 days and didn't even bother to visit me?"She finished.

"Oh I tried,"He said trying to calm her down, "But hey! At least your seeing my face now, huh? Sarah,"He said slowly. Realization dawned on Jojo way before Albert.

"Oh, oh, your Sarah that Lily and Race were talking about,"He shouted. This caused confusion to wash over Sarah's features.

"Race?"She asked tilting her head looking towards her old friend.

"Nickname,"He stately simple shrugging his shoulders.

I'm gonna end the chapter there cause I don't know what else to write but hopefully the next chapter will be soon

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