When Cindy walks into her room she sees Lily's peaceful face snuggled into her pillow sleeping.

"I hope she has a nice dream" Cindy whispers to herself as she gets into bed.


The next day came and Dimitri picked up Pearl. They had a cute lunch date and got ice cream afterwards.

"Dimitri?" She asked he hums looking over at her. "Why isn't Ray talking to Lilly?"

"No one has seen him. He's been training in the simulator and in the training room since the showcase....he's been ignoring everyone" he tells her.

"Well I haven't tried talking to him yet! Can we pass by strong heart before you drop me off?" She looks up at her date giving him her puppy eyes. "Pleaseeeeee" she begs him.

He groans, he can't say no. "Ok fine....but can we enjoy the ice cream first" she smiles and nods as they talk and walk around while eating their ice cream.

They got to strong heart academy and Dimitri showed Pearl the way to the training room. "Before you go in there just be careful" he warns her. She smiles and give him a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you...wait for me?" He nods as she walks into the training room.

Ray is fighting this magical dummy and when he defeats one another one appears. Pearl waits a few minutes until the sweaty Ray is done. He sighs and wipes his sweat from his face. And see's the fairy with her arms crossed staring him down.

"You have some explained to do" Pearl says in her serious tone.

"I don't have to explain anything" he huffs and tries to walk out.

"No..you have to tell me why your ignoring Lilly! You both are a complete mess without the other" Pearl is mad. And she never gets mad.

"I'm not ignoring anyone just busy." Ray grumbles walking back to the training controls and starts clicking buttons.

"Raymond! I know we aren't best friends but you need to tell me what's going on! I won't have you hurting my friend by ignoring her."

"Is Lilly okay?" He asked not looking back at the mad fairy.

"Physical she's fine. She's been practicing 24/7 and sneaking out to the library at night. She thinks we don't know but it's not hard to figure it out....you both need each other" Pearl tries to reason with him. Everyone knows the two are in love. They are destiny.

"I just....I feel guilty everytime I think about her" he confesses. It's easier to tell a stranger then your closest friends.

"You feel guilty? Why?" Pearl walks closer.

"It's my fault she went after the witch and used dark magic" he looks at Pearl. His eyes full of sincerity.

"Ray....it's not your fault and Lilly is a new fairy so it's easier for her to be swayed to different magic.....but she's practicing that....she thinks it's her fault you won't talk to her" she says quietly.

"It's not her fault! It's just I.....I wasn't able to protect her and it's my fault she went after the witches....I didn't mean to make her feel this way." He feels even worse now. It's his fault the girl he cares for is drowning herself in work and magic.

"Just promise me you'll talk to her soon? I won't tell her we spoke but I just need you to speak for a little at least" she tells him as she starts walking to the door. "Oh and Ray?" He hums looking at her. "Just be honest okay? She really cares for you"

Pearl left Ray. Feeling guilty and determined. He's going to make it up to Lilly. He turned on the simulation again and starts fighting. His anger and frustration pouring into his fighting.

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