Chapter 28

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Mnaik's pov

"Babe I am exhausted, I haven't slept in two days, just hold me and lay down with me, oh and dont you dare leave me in bed alone okay" she said and I chuckled at her little threat

"I won't, but what if I have to use the bathroom" I asked

"I dont care, hold it" she said and slid down putting her head on my chest, her leg rested on my legs

"Say it na" she said in her cute little frustrated voice

"Say what love"

"Say goodnight so I can sleep" she said with her chin resting on my chest looking at me

"Goodnight gorgeous, I love you" I said pecking her lips

"Night night, I love you more" she putting her head down

She fell a sleep right away holding me, and I was lost in my thoughts. I fucked up so bad. I saw her walking towards the balcony with harshad and I lost it. I was so fucking pissed off seeing her with him, I knew he would say some bullshit to her so I sat at the Abr waiting for her to come back

When she did she smiled and that motherfucker gave me a smug look but I got to go grab the award and shit. I hated that she willingly walked there with him. She said she was proud of me and those words made me happy but that scene of her with harshad came in my mind which was so bad cause i was rude to her

I told her not to call me babe and the hurt in her eyes when I told her to fuckk off, I still can see it infront of me. I fucking hate myself for saying that but she still made me Maggie and a lemonade. She made sure I ate before I slept, even this morning she made me food and gave me a pill.

I knew she was fucking hurt but I chose to be a baby about it and ignore it, but I am so glad we solved it becasue I honestly could not do this anymore. She is all I need and she is the only one I need and want. I love her so damn much, I promised her I would never do what I did again which is a promise I intent on keeping

I grabbed my phone and called for some things I wanted to make it up to her even though she is not a materialistic person I still want her to give something. I switched the show to money heist becasue she was sleeping peacefully like a baby in my arms

A few hours went by but I really had to use the bathroom so I got out of her grip and ran to the bathroom. When I came back I received a flying pillow to my face

"I told you not to leave manikkk" she wined

"Sorry baby, I had to pee like really bad im so sorry" I said chuckling a little laying back down

She cuddled closer and closed her eyes again. I continued watching the show and 10 minutes later I heard nandini groan

"Darn it I can't sleep now becasue of you"

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Its okay im hungry" she said making me chuckle

"Stay here ill grab you something" I said and she shook her head


"Stay Jaan, ill be 20 minutes max, I have a surprise for you mrs malhotra" her eyes lit up hearing this


"Yes darling surprise, stay here okay" she nodded

I kissed her lips and walked downstairs, the things I ordered were delivered so I set everything up and taking a final look at it I smiled seeing how pretty it looked. I jogged upstairs and nandini was sitting there biting her nails

"Stop biting your nails baby" I said grabbing a tie of mine

"Can I go dow now" she asked

"No hold on, turn around" she did as she was told and I put my tie as a blindfold on her eyes

"Manik no"


"I am not trying some fifty shades shit right now I wanna see the surprise" she said

"Shushhh it" I said picking her up, her arms rested around my neck

Once we got downstairs, I opened her blindfold and stood there with my hands in my pockets. I saw her noticing every detail, the candles, roses, the dim light, dinner, she was caressing the roses and smelling them

"This is beyond beautiful and you my handsome hubby were already forgiven but this earned you brownie points" she said turning around to me and linking her arms behind my neck standing on her tippy toes

"I am glad you like it"

"Oh no babe, I love it, I love it so much and I love you" she said againt my lips

"I love you more" I placed my lips on her making her smile int he kiss

She is such a good kisser, I swear she is the best, she kisses me with so much love and passion that I forget everything else. My mind goes blank when she kisses me, I pulled back from the kiss feeling her breathless.

"That was umm"

"Amazing" I finished her sentence and she nodded

"Come on lets eat" I said pulling her to the chair

"What did you order" she asked


"No wayyy" she yelled

"Yes way"

"Gol gappa yes yes yes, chowmein, yummms, fuck yess, this is amazing I love you" she said pecking my lips

"I love you more"

She started eating but again stopped after a few bites and just looked at me with a smile


"No im fun"

"You are not, please baby, you need to eat more, you eat like a 10 year old child" she pouted at this

"Okay come here" I said and she sat in my lap

"You need to start eating more and more than 3 meals a day, snacks which are healthy and not just chips" I spoke feeding her and she listening like an obedient child

"Ill have healthy snacks in the mini fridge upstairs too okay, and I want you to try eating more is that okay" I asked and she nodded

"Only if you feed me then yes"

"I will feed you baby" she nodded putting her head on my cheek

"You know what Manik" I hummed in response

"You and I were always meant to be and I am glad that mrs Murthy forced me to get married so I can be out of her way" she said

"As much as I love being with you, I wish it happened in different circumstances and about mrs Murthy that is taken care of" I said

"Taken care of? Did you kidnap her" she asked making me laugh

"No silly, I looked over some papers the other day and turns our your dad had named everything on you and getting you married would lead to having half of the property being transferred on alia's name. So I looked into it and turns out your step mother has sold that 50% that was alia's already so she may keep coming back for some money but dont you worry I will deal with it" I said and her eyes widened

"He left me something" she asked with watery eyes

"He did, the house, a couple other properties around the city"

"Thank you fro finding out, it means everything to me"

"Of course baby"

"Seems like a happy ending doesn't it" she said and I chuckled

"No sweetheart its a happy beginning for us" I said pecking her lips

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