Chapter 17

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Once they left I cleaned up the bed a little and then I brushed, it took me longer to walk to the bathroom because of this stupid ankle, it was better than before though so I decided to go to the office he is usually in when he has work

Honestly I was kinda limping, kinda no, all I can say is it was definitely better becasue it wasn't excruciating pain and even if it was I still wanted to give Manik some pizza, he must be hungry cause its 11.

I knocked on the door, he didn't say anything so ima assuming he is extra stressed. I just pushed the door and walked in. There he was engrossed in files, he had his glasses on making him look even cuter

"Hi handsome" I spoke reaching his desk

He looked hassled, and sort of shocked, but I couldn't miss his tired yet handsome face damn he seriously is extremely good looking

"Nandini what are you doing, your ankle, fucking cabir, I told him to take care of you" he said leaving his files and making me sit on his chair

"Relax, he was sleepy so they went to bed, besides I missed you Manik and you didnt even have pizza so I brought you some"

"Im sorry, I just got busy with work, I totally forgot the time im so sorry"

"It's okay, how long will it take you" I asked

"Umm maybe 20 to 30 minutes" he said

"Okay then continue ill sit on the couch" I said getting up

"No, stay here ill try finishing it quickly"

"Umm okay go sit on the couch" I said and he grabbed his things and sat on the couch, I got up and he glared at me

"Why do you always challenge everything I say" he said getting up from the couch nd picking me up, he placed me on the couch beside him.

"I just want you to eat so you work ill feed you" I said and she shook his head

I fed him while he worked, he looks so cute when he tries to focus and does work. It took him a while to finish his work, I was starting to fall a sleep and my eyes were becoming heavy.

"Just a few minutes honey, im really sorry" he said kissing my head

"No, dont worry about it, keep doing you" he just smiled

A few minutes later he closed the designs and files. He closed the lights and picked me up in his arms

"What did I clearly tell you" he asked carying me back

"To not move around" I recited his words

"And what did you do"

"Nothing" I said looking at him

"You walked from the first floor to the bottom floor limping without any help when I clearly said not to even get up, isn't that right" he asked

"That's absolutely correct but I"

"But what" he said placing me on the bed and closing the door

He walked in the bathroom leaving the door open

"I was getting bored" I replied

"But I thought cabir and navya were with you" he said from the bathroom

"They were"

"Then why were you bored" he asked

"I dont know I umm"


"Ahh I just have a habit I guess"

"What habit" he asked closing the lights of the bathroom and taking his t shirt off


He hopped in bed beside me, changed my ice pack replacing it with a new one, putting the prior one in the mini fridge we have in our room. He closed the light and pulled me closer

"Hmm so what habit is it"

"I just missed you okay, I dont know why but I couldn't focus on the show, I wanted you. Its bad I know but I was only thinking about you, my habit is you. I need you around, I want you around, I need to feel you around me" I rambled on and he didnt say anything

He traced my ams with his fingers calming me a little, he placed a kiss on my ear and chuckled a little

"Im sorry amore, I will stay around okay, I can do my work here in the room. I lost track of time, it won't happen again and this habit of yours keep it becasue I missed you too baby" he spoke against my cheek

"Close your eyes cutie" he spoke again

"I love you"

"I love you so much more amore" I leaned on his chest to have a look at his face

He leaned down and kissed my lips a few times pulling back her smiled at me, ahh I love his smile.

"Sleep sweetheart, its already late" his voice is so soft. I turned around so I was facing him now

"You make it really hard for me to stay sane I am being very very serious manik, I have met many guys sure I haven't had any relationships but there was never a time where I couldn't get someone to just hook up with but you, there is something so much more here" I said and a smile adored his lips

"Dont smile like that"

"But you just told me something that I have been wanting to hear so why not smile plus I know you love when I smile" he said with a smirk

"Goodnight handsome" I said against his lips

"Night amore" he pecked my lips

This is all I wanted, this is everything that I wished for and I am glad I got it, I love him and not in a friendly way, I am in love with him, I wish I figured it out earlier but its never too late I guess. I closed my eyes gripping his arms tighter around me.

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