Chapter 26

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The balcony door was open so I was watching the sun come up, the sky was orange and blue, the prettiest colours ever. It was 8 in the morning when I decided to get up because I couldn't lay down anymore, my head was pouting and I felt like throwing up from the lack of sleep but thankfully there was nothing in my stomach that could be thrown up

Sliding away from Manik I placed a pillow beside him, I hopped in the shower and then went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone,

"Why re you up so early" I heard navya

"Girl I should be the one asking you this, I was very surprised that I didn't hear noises" I teased

"Shut up"

"No tell me, did nothing happen"

"The rooms are sound proof nandini" she said blushing

"Damn it, how did I not know this"

"Shut up nandini and get to the point, what the fuck is going on with Manik" she asked

"How would I know, he is acting like a 5 year old who lost his candy or some shit" I said grabbing things I need to make food

"He saw you with harshad I'm thinking"

"I was thinking the same but that shouldn't cause him to be like this"

"He is very sensitive about that, harshad practically left manik with nothing when they were kids and he continues to take things away so im not surprised at his reaction" cabin said walking int he kitchen

"Neither am I, I am just upset at how he chose to play it out with me"

"He loves you nandini"

"Cabir I know that trust me I do, I love him too but his choice of words yesterday were not something I ever expected from him. Don't worry its fine, we will figure it out" I said and he smiled

"My baby grew up" he said kissing my head

"Oh shut up, I was already grown up, now would you like some breakfast"

"Nope, navya and I are leaving" he said


"Its Saturday" navya said

"Oh right, well have fun and stay safe I love you guys"

"We love you too"

"Umm nandini call us if something happens and if acts like a jerk call me" cabir said and I nodded

"Bye cabir, bye navu" I said and they both left on their little get away which they usually do every other week.

I finished making breakfast along with a black coffee for manik. I set everything in the tray and took it upstairs becasue I knew he would have a headache.

"Manik wake up" I said opening the curtains causing the sun to fall on his face

He groaned and shoved his face in a pillow making me smile at how cute he is, nandini you are supposed to be upset remember, I told myself

"Manik" he stared in his sleep

"Manik you need to eat something, please utho, have food then you can sleep again" I said

"Manik please" he groaned and sat up rubbing his head

"Shittt my head, ahhh jeezzz, fuck man"

"Have this, it'll help" I said handing him a pill and black coffee

"What is it" he asked

"Coffee, its for your hangover" he nodded and gulped the pill down

"Breakfast" I said putting the tray not he bed infant of him

"Not hungry" he replied

"Manik you dint eat much last night please jus have it"

"Nandini I told you last night too, I don't want any so now"

"Fuck off right" I said finishing his sentence and he seemed kind of shocked

"Oh please don't be shocked, it's okay I get it. I made breakfast so if you want you can have it, if you dont that is up to you. I am going to 'fuck off' now" I said air qotting the fuck off

"Dont play this cupid game with me nandini"

"What game am I playing"

"This guilt trip game because what you did was beyond fucked up, you should be happy I came home without creating drama there"

"Right, you did not create any drama, you just yelled at your wife in front of a few people, tripped a couple times walking back and ya thats about it, so ya you are absolutely right that you ddi not create drama and I want to know what I did, mind enlightening me" I asked


"Yes tell me what I did"

"I dont need to tell you, you already know what you did" he said sipping on the black coffee

"Okay you know what, I am done wit this argument, when you are done being on this trip that you are in, tell me" I said getting up

"Thats fantastic, galti khud karo aur pir victim ban jao, bohot achai, guess he is rubbing off on you huh" he said and it hurt me more than his previous words

"What the fuck did I do Manik, huh tell me what I did, just because you saw me talking to harshad you assumed some bullshit instead of asking me. You told me to fuck off which is fine, you said you didnt care and now I am being a victim becasue he is rubbing off on me thats how much you know me" I said being frustrated

"What did you want me to ask you? Oh Nadnini what were you doing with my brother the one I told you to stay away from. Is that what you want?" He asked

"Im done Manik" I said trying not to start crying again

"Ya now start crying, great"

"Fuck this, I have been trying so hard, you know what forget it" I said leaving the room

I couldn't breath because I was crying so hard, I gripped the railing of the stairs and just sat down there for a few minutes to calm down. Once I caught my breath I made my way to the backyard, I sat down on the grass leaning on the wall.

A billion things were flying though my head, none of which were making any sense at this point, I just wanted to cry until I fell a sleep but to my bad luck I couldn't even sleep even though I hadn't slept in two day, my eyes weren't droopy.

It took me a while to calm down and breath normally, I have had this before too when dad passed away. I know that Manik is still here and we will most likely get over this bump but that feeling that I felt when I lost my dad is what I am feeling.

I feel alone, this could have gone so much better but it didnt. I rethought the words I used to see if I may have said something unnecessary but I couldn't find anything, but then again my judgement can be wrong. I watched the clouds rolling in the sky, I think I sat there for hours, more than a couple but less than a few

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